Anyone do Tai Chi?

Tai Chi is a physically meditative spiritual art. It is a mix of element, beast, fowl, being, and allowance.

traditionally it is also very submissive in student teacher allignment.

I would recommend seeking a Tai Chi studio, or instructor, and having a cup of coffee. if you can not get that intimate, try attending a commercialized type of class.

Tai Chi is largely a matter of "pace" breath, and "universal tempo"

It is deep an beautiful....

on the physical plane I will also add this..... it is eastern belief that of all masters to fear, it is the Tai Chi, whom is greatest. It is the strength in softness that is sooo elusive.

Set up an alert on your google account for 'Tai Chi'
You will get ample of information on Tai Chi - Books, DVDs, Free downloads

the above poster, may have a much better idea than. I met the Tai Chi at that gym last night and well,,,,,, uh

I've been very fortunate in my crossing of paths with people.

root is root, heart is heart, and I wasn't feeling it.

My favorite book in this realm is "Be Like Water" by a student named Cardillo.

p.s. we are all students darling
Tai Chi Video...Not enough...

When training in Tai Chi, a video can be a good BACK UP source to a quality instructor but can not replace one. There are too many nuances to the training that individuals can not see within themselves. Posture, alignment, relaxation of muscles, breathing even smiling that you really need a qualified instructor to guide you through.

I have been training and teaching for over 25 years and have yet to meet an individual that can tell (at first) that they are tense on the shoulders.

If you are interested in Tai Chi look for an instructor that you feel comfortable with. Observe his/her classes, talk to his/her senior students and determine if this is a path for you. Please remember that Tai Chi only LOOKS easy...

All my best...
Sifu Chris
Tai Chi Book,DVD vs Instructor

I fully agree with SifuChris.

A book or DVD can give you, instructions or guidelines about various forms and benefits of Tai Chi. However, Tai Chi instructor will make sure that you learn and practice right form, postures, breathing technics and frequency so that after certain time you start realising changes within yourself.

Any DVD or book on specific form or style can be used as reference material once you are fully trained by a Tai Chi instructor and you can practice on your own thereafter.
Tai Chi

With Technology, it is entirely possible to mitigate the effect of without an instructor.

I am the founder of , offering 400+ DVD quality instructional Tai Chi and Qigong videos. There is a very active discussion forum to help you to get answers. In addition, we can also review your Tai Chi video to give you feedbacks.

If you can not find an authentic instructor, you can try

Wells Ye
Tai Chi videos...

There are good videos out there but one really needs an instructor to guide them. I do not agree at all with the poster "wellsqi803" but such is life...

I have a series of videos posted on my website as suggested material for my students -

I would suggest starting out with a good Qigong video because it is a bit easier to learn but you will still need guidance from an instructor to really make it work for you. is a great starting point...

In addition, people tend to think that Tai Chi can be approached like any other form of exercise - pop in and out of classes and get the benefits. This is simply not true. Tai Chi and Qigong take years of dedicated, CONSISTENT, training to truly provide the powerful benefits available. This does not mean it will be years before you get any results just that the maturation of your training will take years.

I do not want to discourage anyone from trying Tai Chi just go in with a realistic expectations, an open mind and smiling heart.

Be well...