Cohen's Lifestyle Anyone do refeed early or go off cohens successfully?

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I ordered my refeed as my diet took way longer than I was told it was going to take and I don't want to do it anymore - my hubby and I want to have a baby. Anyway, instead of falling pregnant and having to go cold turkey I ordered my refeed. I have lost 8 kilos and am now a size 10 and look good too!

anyway, Valerie at the Canberra clinic was a total cow and didn't even want to explain the refeed process to me when it arrived. I left in tears! She even incinuated that I wouldn't get pregnant!!!

So since having such a disgusting time with Valerie and the clinic I have given up cohens all together. Today I have eaten sensibly and have incorporated 1 peice of bread and a portion of cereal and I'm having a liteneasy dinner. So my total calories will be less than 1600 which is what my body burns in a day. So I will be very interested to see what happens on the scales tomorrow!

Has anyone done refeed early or done their own version?

Hi wannabeslim

I am sorry to hear that you experienced that, it;s not nice in any situation let alone one where you pay that amount of money and don't get the service. I recieved my program in the mail and they explained it over the phone very quickly i found the clinic where not as helpful towards the end of my program and for me this is when you need it the most.
What do you need to know about the refeed? How many days is yours for?
if you need help with refeed I can pm you and tell you how I went about mine.
Take care now.
Thanks Sam

Hi Sam,

THanks for your help. I guess I just wanted to know if you could go off the program without puttin on weight. And yesterday I have proved that it can work. I ate like a healthy normal person and still lost weight. Today I have had cereal, and half a bagel with bbq chicken breast, and tonight is minestrone soup with a little bacon, I'll see how I go tomorrow. I have my refeed but I think its a load of crap. I think the program works because it is low gi and low calorie and they scare you into sticking to it with a big price tag and bs about putting on tonnes of weight if you don't follow it. Of course you will put on weight if you eat more than you burn in a day, but so far there is no magic phenomenon where you eat a peice of bread and it instantly turns to fat!


Well done!....I live in South Africa and in 2007 paid R2700-00 for the first eating plan. I had 20 kg to lose. Do you surgery I had to stop the plan. Then in 2009 I started the plan and it still worked. I have thus far lost 18 kg. When I contacted my agent for the re-feeding she asked me to pay another R3000-00 (price has gone up, since 2007) in order for me to get the re-feeding. Her argument is that alot of time has gone by. Personally, I think that she is trying to make a quick buck. Anyway, can you please help me? I am really scared to putting the weight back on and can’t afford another R3000-00. Can you please email me your re-feeding plan? If not, then can you please share some advice on re-feeding that I can go on?

Many thanks
Lisa (email removed, per WLF policy)
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Hi wbs

Oh no! What an absolute disgrace!!! It really bugs me that they take your money happily then some of these places think they can just forget you. I'v just joined Cohen's and that's exactly what I'm afraid of having had a similar experience with SureSlim (I've been assured by my local Cohen's clinic that this will NOT be the case...I'll let you know!)

How dare she comment on whether or not you'll fall pregnant - of course you will - do NOT let her stress you about it - that won't help!!!

Well done on your weight loss and keep up the good post wl sensible eating - oh and good luck trying for bubs!!! :)
That is an awful way to do business. That consultant should be reported. I dealt with 2 clinics and they both went above and beyond. One managed to order my refeed early, I was a couple of kgs off where I should have been, because I fell pregnant. Unfortunately some people should not be in the job they are in. I don't think all of them see it as a money making racket.
Hope everything works out for you, with pregnancy, and maintaining a way of eating that suits you.
Hi Dhiya,

Sorry for jumping in on the thread, just saw that you were from SA and you paid so much for your plan??? Whoever you went through is totally ripping you off, you shouldn't pay anything more than R2000 and that is current 2009 prices, i know some ladies that even paid as little as R1600!!

Just thought i would let you know, maybe try and contact different consultants in your area?

Hope you manage to get the programme without being ripped off.
