Weight-Loss Anybody want to try a drinking water challenge?



New member
I need motivation to drink all of my water. So I thought we could try a water challenge. Kind of along the lines of the exercise one already going. So if anyone's interested I'm up for it!:)
Lol I would win :p !! Joking I had 1 on sparkpage it got confusing
because everyone would post differnet terms like I like using oz's
some would say pints gallons quarts ect and I havint done math
in a while lol! Sounds cool tho I would be in,Tammy:D
Cool! I am glad someone was interested. I have really been struggling. I think if we try to get in 64oz. ( that's what I use) a day it will really help us out. Then report on here what you drink. Be honest, this is for people like me who have a hard time getting it in and need motivation.:)
Ok. Starting Jan. 2 2007 we will post our water that we drank in one day on here everyday. Trying for at least 64oz. More is good, but if you don't getenough post anyway. Also it would be fun to challege different ones from time to time. It's like the exercise one so anyone can join at any time. This is to be fun! So good luck water drinkers!!!:)
Yay! This is a great idea! I need to get my water down. I've done good today already so I will keep it up and post tonight.

Thanks, Mechelle!
:rolleyes: I'm in! I have already drank 80 oz. today. I keep a 20 oz water bottle on my desk at work and keep refilling it through out the night when I am at my desk. Water is my only drink now so it is pretty easy for me. I will indulge in a Diet Pepsi every couple days but I am trying to quit those ( I do not think theyre very healthy).

I'll join, Ive been too busy drinking diet pop and not enough water...64 oz hey...I drank two of my water bottles full so far but I need to dbl check on how much they are...we report in everyday abt water intake ??? Im here chicky, I will help support ya becoming water logged :D:D:D
I want to make myself some sort of little chart or countdown for my water intake. I slacked off on the Daily Exercise thread and I don't want to do that here. I guess since we started today there are 30 days left in January. So I will do a ticker or something.[/RAMBLING]

Anyhow. I'm going to finish the water bottle I have right now and that will be 120 ounces for today. I think I will shoot for 3000 for January.

Sidenote: I have been in the bathroom eight thousand times today.
I can manage to drink 64 oz but when I do i find myself having to go to the potty like every 5 minutes which doesn't really work out when youre in school or at work... lol... but yeah i'm in...! I'll try my best, i might have to start wearing depends though.
I drank 64+64=128 I have this huge cup that holds 64 ozs
and has the water facts on it lol! Tammy
I want to make myself some sort of little chart or countdown for my water intake. I slacked off on the Daily Exercise thread and I don't want to do that here. I guess since we started today there are 30 days left in January. So I will do a ticker or something.[/RAMBLING]

Anyhow. I'm going to finish the water bottle I have right now and that will be 120 ounces for today. I think I will shoot for 3000 for January.

Sidenote: I have been in the bathroom eight thousand times today.

I know the feeling! LOl Good job everyone! You did well!!:)
i would love to join and i already have a semi-dodo question. what exactly is the difference between fl. oz. and regular oz.? like...on my 1 liter dasani it's 33.8 fl. oz. and only 1.8 oz. i'm just curious and i assume we're counting fl. oz., right? is that what should be measuring by...right? i just always wondered that and never asked..but anyway..i'm in..if that's okay.!
I think ( but don't quote me on this) that fl. oz are a volume measurement and oz. are a weight measurement. and we are going by volume! =)
LOL Me too! Everyone did a good job yesterday. Tammy way to go! 64 oz, fl.oz? is all I can do in the winter. I am not thirsty and it makes soooo cold. In th espring I'll try to drink more. Hopefully I'll be small enough a lot of watre isn't required!! LOL:D