ANYBODY wanna talk some sheeeeyaht?

Yo mama's a type 7.
There's a diet TV program over here featuring a dietician called Gillian MacKeith who gets the dieters to crap in a tupperwear box and bring it in to assess. She uses that very same chart, I think she said number 4 is best, and then puts on some gloves to finger through it looking for undigested food and stuff :eek:
oh please!! she actually digs thru it.,... hahahahahaa that's great.

maybe it's abotu time I eat green beans for 2 straight days again, and then send her a green one. see what she thinks of that. ;) that doesnt' work for reals.


we are actually talkiing sheeeyaht! haha


why is poop funny?
My daughter ate about 4 prunes as a snack yesterday and I think she created a whole new category in her diaper that needs to be added to that chart:eek:
wait wait Gooch! hold the story right there.... let me go get my croche kit, a cup of tea, and put the clothes in the dryer.... hahahahahahaa

just kiddin=--- you are definately the tuffest MM (mr Mom) I know. AND really I can't find another thing to tease you about.

DO you have a smaller brain like girls do? hahahahaha - my lil parlay from the interview thread... only the avid readers will catch it. jheheheh

ok ok ok
back to work.

and 8 is better then you Focus! nannananaernannner nanner nanner
Too funny...I did see that lady on a show Isn't it Three fat broads and a wedding dress? something like that. It was wierd!!
They play the show you're speaking of over here CCR, it's actually on one of the highdef channels.