Weight-Loss Any supplement experts on here?



New member
I've been toying with the idea of adding supplements to my weight lose regimen. The more I read up about it though, the less sure I become. It seems like all of these supplements promise you the world, but do any of them really deliver? Has anyone here had any good experience with weight loss supplements?
Calcium,Vitamin D and omega-3 are best supplements for .Lack of vitamin d can cause fat in body. Fatty fish and beef liver are also a good source of vitamin D .
Always stick to a good multi and omega 3

Im not a huge fan of fat burners just because but I have had positive results using CLA and L-carnitine. Its not loaded with caffeine like a lot of fat burners but its effective even though it takes a little bit to work I find its great plus you can stay on it as long as you want.
Focus on diet first and then maybe add in a few supplements. Definitely star with the basics Multi-Vitamin (I've always found capsules to work best and not give me an upset stomach), Fish Oil and I use a greens drink. Im not a big veggie fan, so this is nice. As mentioned above cla and carnitine are great, but very small parts of the puzzle. Ive used 1-2 metabolism boosters with great success, but they are something you would add way down the line maybe if you hit a plateau.