any suggestions?

Hey there iv just recently started training, like yesterday,
i want to get to a decent built how ever i have limited money
due to recent unemployment, the only equipment i have is a
pull up/chin up bar, push up stands and a sit up bar thingy,
my plan is 6 sets of 10 chin ups followed by 3 sets of 10
inclined push ups and 3 sets of 10 close hand push ups finally
with how ever many sit ups and crunches i can manage.

any one have any suggestions about other exercises that will
be beneficial? also dose any one think if its worth taking creatine
while doing this?
Sorry if im wrong but havn't you got many other accounts on this forum?
There are tons of things you can do with what you've got and with what you find lying around. Google "exercises with <insert thing you have>" and you're off.

Good luck!
Weight Free exercises

There are several exercises you can do without weights that will work your entire body, and help build muscles in certain areas. It sounds like you are off to a good start with the pushups and the pullups. Do you by chance own a stability ball? I saw the other day that at Target or Walmart you can get a set of equipment for $22. It includes a stability ball, a rubber tube, and a step band. This is such an excellent deal. I am actually using these things in the weight free portion of my fitness blog. The boxes that contain these items give instructions as well. You can do crunches, leg lifts, work your back, shoulders, biceps, and triceps with just your body weight and these inexpensive items.

I hope this helps!
YOU can never go wrong with pushups and pullups,looks like you are on the right track.ONE other thing; they sell rubber workout bands that might be helpfull, and inexpensive; walmart or target.=====good luck.