Any routine suggestions?

To be honest, I haven't lifted weights since college. I have been sorta doing whatever comes to mind off the top of my head or looking through magazines, but I wanna have a set routine to make sure I am working the right muscles and hitting all of them, if that makes any sense. I am 5'6", 120 lbs (female) and my goals are to #1 tone up, #2 burn fat, and #3 gain strength. I don't know if this is asking too much but I was wondering if anyone could suggest a lifting routine for me. Any help is appreciated!! :)
Considering your 3 goals and your gender, I would suggest lower weight/higher reps. There are a lot of routines that you can do and I also suggest that you mix it up from time to time. There are 4 exercises that hit just about every muscle group and I highly recommend these to become the base of your training: squats, deadlifts, bench press & overhead or military press. These are power moves but if you focus on light weights and high reps (10 to 12) you will achieve your 3 goals. You can do all 4 in same workout but should work every other day. If you want to work out every day then do a split; squats/bench day 1 & deadlifts/overhead day 2, then repeat.