Sport Any of you live with a poor dieter?

Sport Fitness
I swear, I'm a 22 year old student, I still live at home. I frequently talk to my mother about how we eat and I say listen losing weight is really important to me right now, can you please slow down on buying snacks. She goes ok I understand. That very night she comes home with a package of oreos and a bag of baby ruths. I been snacking like an animal lately because my house is full of them! I do good all day untill I get home. I wake up and my stomach actually hurts.

Any of you have experience living with someone like this?
oh and the worst part is I end up eating almost all of the snacks and she is the one who is losing weight. LMAO
Yeah, that happens to my girlfriend. I've been pushing her to eat better but her family eats like **** so she gets the short end of the stick sometimes. Well, a lot of times. What you need to do is just make sure that it's a priority. One of the best ways to avoid eating bad is simply not having that food in the house. Talk to your mom and/or your family and try to get them in on it. Make them realize that eating healthy is an important part of EVERYONE'S life, not just yours. They might all be willing to make some changes in the same regard.

In the event that nobody is willing to help, well I feel bad for you. But ways to get around that are just to MAKE SURE you have healthy snacks available in addition to what everyone else eats. That way, you can choose the better options.
Hate to say it, but it is something that *you* will have to discipline yourself about. I call it sabotage when my hubby use to buy crap. Then I gave him hi sown shelf in a cabinet and told him to keep his crap

I know you can't do that at home, but you can set a place for *you* to keep healthy snacks and discipline yourself :)

Not easy, but you can do it!
It really is going to come down to willpower if they won't change. My wife is the same way. I told her not to get Halloween candy until the day before, even though the prices will be high and the selection would be bad. I knew having it around would be too tempting and I would eat it.

Well guess what, she got some and opened all the bags last night and I ate a few pieces. I swear I could SMELL the candy two rooms away and had to have two reese's cups. Where the willpower came in was previously I would have had 2 of the snickers, 2 of the reese's pieces and two of the pb twix on top of the reese's cups (can you tell we like PB?)

I wish you the best and like ride_on said, make sure you have good stuff around. It is tough but I am sure you can do it.
Ride on you should make your own sticky for weight loss, you seem to be really good at diet and nutrition. Even you relating to where I'm at with the story of your gf and her family made me feel better just knowing people are going through the same thing. I think there is a ton of great info on this forum but the main area I seem to lack info on is diet. I've read the stickies and they are mediocre. Sample diets would be a great start. Maybe some tips & tricks on how to get around things like "living with bad eaters, not snacking etc."

Just a suggestion, I would love to see something like that and it seems you're the right man to do it.
Hate to say it, but it is something that *you* will have to discipline yourself about. I call it sabotage when my hubby use to buy crap. Then I gave him hi sown shelf in a cabinet and told him to keep his crap

I know you can't do that at home, but you can set a place for *you* to keep healthy snacks and discipline yourself :)

Not easy, but you can do it!

lmao NLL i will give my mom a snack shelf, all the way on the tippytop so she can't reach :cheeky::cheeky::cheeky: hahaha
Yeah, same with my wife. She is skinny.

Asks me where I want to eat out, I say I don't care (secretly wishing the supper buffet) and she volunteers the supper buffet.
One thing I heard to do (teen girls do this) if you have a craving brush your teeth. Who wants to eat candy right after brushing your teeth?
One thing I heard to do (teen girls do this) if you have a craving brush your teeth. Who wants to eat candy right after brushing your teeth?

lmao @ the super buffet johnny.

this sounds like a fantastic idea.
i also read something and i'm almost 100% positive it was on this forum. about how our sensor for hunger + thirst have gotten mixed so drink a glass of water before you reach for the food.
i also read something and i'm almost 100% positive it was on this forum. about how our sensor for hunger + thirst have gotten mixed so drink a glass of water before you reach for the food.

I have read this I think on this forum before. I know people have told me that when I want to snack just before dinner. Drink water and it will hold off the hunger until it is time for dinner
Ride on you should make your own sticky for weight loss, you seem to be really good at diet and nutrition. Even you relating to where I'm at with the story of your gf and her family made me feel better just knowing people are going through the same thing. I think there is a ton of great info on this forum but the main area I seem to lack info on is diet. I've read the stickies and they are mediocre. Sample diets would be a great start. Maybe some tips & tricks on how to get around things like "living with bad eaters, not snacking etc."

Just a suggestion, I would love to see something like that and it seems you're the right man to do it.
Thanks! That made me feel good. I don't know how well that would go over with everyone, but if you want to take a poll and see if people would like that, I'd love to be part of it. There are nutrition stickies already though, if you didn't know?

Diet is my thing, and I'll admit that I'm not nearly as good at the training side of things, though I still definitely know what I'm talking about. I'm admit that I'm wrong much more often in that scenario though, because I can be. I love nutrition. It's great that someone noticed :D and I'm extremely happy that I could help you out. I been through a lot myself, so that makes it easier to advise different situations. Keep truckin' my friend.

One thing I heard to do (teen girls do this) if you have a craving brush your teeth. Who wants to eat candy right after brushing your teeth?
Never heard before, but I LOVE this idea. It's the little things that count.

I have read this I think on this forum before. I know people have told me that when I want to snack just before dinner. Drink water and it will hold off the hunger until it is time for dinner
Yeah I'm pretty sure I said that, and if it wasn't me, I know I've said it on other forums before. It's true. First off, you have to make sure the reason you're hungry isn't just because you're undereating, because that's the worst thing you can do. Assuming that isn't the case, and you're having trouble for whatever reason (there are tons) here's a good plan of attack:

  • First, drink a glass or two of water. If you're still hungry, then you're probably actually hungry, not thirsty. Surprisingly though, you will find that sometimes you really just needed a drink.
  • Next, provided you're still hungry, picture yourself sitting in front of a plate with food that is NOT sweets, dessert, crappy snacks, or anything of that sort. Picture something that you wouldn't normally crave, for instance a piece of cod or a chicken breast or a tuna sandwich with veggies. The point here is that if you can picture a normal meal (like a piece of fish with steamed veggies and a potato) and still feel hungry, then you're actually hungry. However, if you really want a butterfinger and when you picture that meal, it doesn't do anything for you, that's a craving for sweets, not hunger.
It sounds stupid, but these mental cues can help a lot in making the right decisions, especially when you're in a caloric deficit.
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dude i freaking love that suggestion.

i will get a poll going but i doubt that would even be necissary. I've read the stickies in the nutrition area, informative but not helpful, atleast for me.
dude i freaking love that suggestion.

i will get a poll going but i doubt that would even be necissary. I've read the stickies in the nutrition area, informative but not helpful, atleast for me.

Which suggestion?

Well, I have no authority here so making a sticky is not up to me at all. You would have to take that up with one of the mods and get back to me :)
You literally just described my problem verbatim. I try to be healthy and buy protein shakes to eat instead of cheese and crackers in teh afternoon that my mother puts out, but all that ends up happening is I drink a protein shake, THEN eat the cheese and crackers. Donuts and muffins, banana bread, all that crap they say something like "I know it's important to you but this is a quality of life thing for us we don't want to give it up"

It's rediculous
NLL is right. It truly comes down to SELF discipline.

Having healthy snacks around is a good idea, but like anything else - moderate!

It's not going to matter how many less calories or how many less grams of fat are in whatever you're eating if you double up the number of times you put your hand in the bag/box... ya know!?

If you want to not eat something bad enough... you will find the willpower to not pick it up or walk away.

Just remember.... NOTHING tastes as good as thin feels.

:: steps down off her soap box so you can go back to your regularly scheduled program::

Just remember.... NOTHING tastes as good as thin feels.

You've clearly never tried warm cookie dough with ice cream ;)

My wife is terrible for buying snacks and she is over weight, I am too really but I have a fair amount of muscle so hide it well, haha. It's a really tricky subject as if I told her to cut out the snack buying because she's overweight then that'd destroy her. I've tried asking her to cut down so I can lose weight but then she just tells me not to eat them then

Trouble is, it's hard to not eat snack when they're there, it's way easier to walk past them on the shop shelf though, even if they are on 2 for 1
NOTHING tastes as good as thin feels.

Ok, this is the best saying ever........ :mrright: