Any hope for tall skinny guys?

Hiya all, my name's Craig and I'm 15 (Turning 16 this year) and I'm seeking some help about how to gain weight and build mass for a tall skinny bloke. I only started exercising early last year, so I'm a newbie.

Currently my height is: 6'2"
My weight is: 132 pounds.
As you can see, I'm extremely skinny for my height!

I know I have to eat more in order to gain weight, but I get morning nausea (Can't eat in the morning) which seems to be a biggie. Any tips on what types of food I should consume and when? I know it's all about proteins, but I'm 15 and my parents won't let me purchase any protein shakes etc. So what can I do to work around it?

And my workout routine as of now: [Note: I can't use weights either, parents are quite unfair]
35 normal push-ups shortly followed by 20, and then 15. (Am I doing something wrong? It's more like I can only do 35 at one go, then 20, then 15...)
Then I rest a bit, and do 15 diamond pushups (It's all I can do) and 15 very wide pushups.

Then I use the pull-thingy-which-I-don't-know-the-name-of... However I found a picture of it [In link below- First item from the top] and also my pully-thingy has metal spirals instead of what looks like rubber in the pic, and I only use 2 wires.

I don't know the names of the exercises... Sorry...
But, 15 of the normal 'pulls' [Arms straight in front of you, and pull outward and horizontally to your chest]
15 'back' pulls [Have the device behind your back, and extend arms outward]
And in replacement of weights, 30 pulls on each arm [With one end of pull-device hooked by your foot, and your hand holding the other side, and doing a 'lifting weight' motion]

So those are the exercises I randomly made up with no knowledge of how they aid in muscle gain. I usually do the exercises on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
Wednesdays I have sport (Basketball) and so I'm worried that I'll overwork my body (as I've read... Doing exercises without rest prevents muscle gain)
And on Tuesdays and Fridays I do 40 crunches, and then 30 bicycle situps. Then 20 regular squats (My legs are rather weak)
Sunday is my resting period...

So yeah, thanks for reading up to this point if you have, and I'm looking forward to the advice :sport:
Many thanks in advance!
Couldn't edit in time... But my average daily consumption would be...

Morning: (as stated before, I can't really eat) A glass of milk + 2 slices of bread with either cheese or peanut butter and other various spreads.

During school, I eat a museli bar for recess [Approx. 11 o'clock]
Average lunch [Approx 1 o'clock]: A sandwhich usually filled with stuff like- Cheese, different spreads, avocado/lettuce/tomato, ham. The bread is whole grain usually or white bread if that's necessary...
After school snack: Here comes the unhealthy foods, like fish and chips (Shared with friends) or maybe sweet rolls, or some curry from friends, and at times, leftover lunch.

Average dinner [Approx. 6 o'clock]
Bowl of white rice, vegetables like brocolli, different beans, potatoes, cabbage etc.
Sometimes vegetable soups (With carrots, potatoes, tomatoes etc)
Meat such as chicken (Usually roasted) beef, and pork.
Sometimes fish dishes.

Also I might add, I can't join a gym membership, due to my parents.
It's not ALL about proteins. You should be getting the right balance of protein, carbs, and fat together (as well as vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients). And protein supplements really aren't that necessary, especially at 15 years old. Whole foods can be just as good if eaten in the right time frame.

You should also be vary your workout exercises. Only ever performing the same exercises can result in your muscles only be trained for those exercises. The forums are full of exercises that you can do both with and without equipment.

Please remember though, you're young and still growing. It's alright to aim for muscle growth, but don't try going overboard. Plus, even though you may have a tall, slim frame size doesn't mean that you can't build or don't have muscle. It just means that you're proportioned differently. In years to come, you still have the potential to put on a lot of muscle mass, you just won't be wide and beefy looking like a lot of bodybuilders.
Thanks for the reply Jrahien, I'll check out the forum exercises (Didn't know before, new to this forum)
And thanks for the concern, I'll keep a mental note of that, it's just the guys at my age are all 'bigger' naturally since I'm skinny. Didn't want to seem weak :)

Also what types of food should I eat to get high doses of protein and carbs?
The routine your doing now for your age looks good. I'd say if your consistent with your workouts and eat the right stuff you should be seeing results in 3-4 weeks of doing it.
Just wait a bit


I was also skinny and tall at 16yrs (6 1, 160 pounds), I'm now 35, 6 4 and 231 pounds @ 16% BF.

You know what my secret was?

Do 4 strength training workouts a week however the hell you want to do it, because no matter what anyone says there isn't just one way to gain muscle. Listen to your body after a workout and you'll learn what works for you and what is injuring you (squats aint for everyone you know!).

Other than that, eat, sleep and have some patience, it'll come.
Diet is key!