Do you suggest a change in my macro nutrient percentages?
That probably makes a lot less difference for general health than:
1. Get enough protein. The range of protein intake is typically given as 0.4 to 1.0 grams of protein per pound of body weight per day, with more active people being suggested to go to the higher end of the range. That usually is not too difficult, since active people eat more food. Those restricting calories may, however, have to take care to eat higher protein foods. Also, one should be careful to avoid the trap that some low carb dieters fall into, which is to believe that "protein" foods includes those which are mostly fat, like hot dogs, bacon, regular (high fat) ground beef, etc..
2. Choose good carbohydrates from vegetables, whole fruits, legumes, and whole grains, while avoiding and limiting bad carbohydrates from added sugars, sugary drinks, and refined grains. Also avoid fried carbohydrates if you are restricting calories, since carbohydrates absorb a lot of the frying oil, resulting in huge calories from the food.
3. Choose good fats from nuts and seeds (except coconuts), legumes, vegetables, and fish, while avoiding and limiting bad fats from hydrogenated oils, coconut and palm oils, red meat, and dairy products.
Macronutrient percentages (either overall, or timing in specific meals) may still be important for specific goals like competitive athletic performance, diabetes control, and other situations.
But getting back to the original question about higher protein foods that can be taken as snack foods, there are turkey, fish, and beef jerky, most varieties of which have little fat or carbohydrates (but read the label before buying).