Sport any help on my meal plan thanks

Sport Fitness
I'm a high school senior so I try to work this in my school day, and always do my workouts 3-4 nights a week along with cardio on the days I don't lift. I went through a really good bulk now i'm just trying to lose a few pounds to get the abs out, and get rid of the small pooch area

7:AM- Bowl of oatmeal with glass of milk (if anyone could give me a good cereal to eat I would apprecatie it)

10:AM- Some type of fruit, apple, banana, along with a nutrigrain bar

1-turkey cheese sandwhich, on whole weat breat, 3 slices of turkey one slice of cheese

4: protein shake

6: some type of healthy dinner that my mom will make :) chicken steak, some rice something good like that

8: some egg whites, maybe a yogurt

I usually will work out around 5 o'clock and remember I'm just trying to get the experts opinon here so dont laugh if I dont know what i'm doing
What are your stats?
I'm 17, 5'10 180 pounds.....I was 160 before i started using the creatine and buking up so in a few months i gained a good strong 20 pounds, I have good shoulders, back, biceps, tri's and decent chest also, and like when i lay on my back and like flex my abs the top 4 are popping out great. They arent just flat they have that pop to it so i'm guessing I really don't have much fat to lose. Just a little bit under the belly button. ALso my basketball season ended last nite and I will now be able to do my full out cardio 3 times a week
sorry to be annoying but i really really need to kno this i start up in a few days and ik the experts know what they are saying so?