Any Half Marathon Advice? to a complete Newbie


New member
Ok so my family has decided (me being the one who didn't want to but am willing to try as part of the team & who knows it could be my next favorite thing!) to do a half marathon. My sister had the idea to get us all in shape for the pictures that will be taken at her wedding this October (even she is out of shape... & frankly has a bad case of the bridezillas!).

Being someone who has never had any interest before now in marathons.. I know NOTHING about them other than you go from point A to point B with a lot of other people. I am not trying to finish first & am comfortable at walking the whole way..... but I know that going from a couch potato to 13 miles in less than 3 hours needs some training.

Any one have any words of sage wisdom from their own experiences training for something like this? Or any advice on websites, books, etc on learning about what I should be doing to get ready for this?

Thanks in advance.

Today I'm going to bite the bulletin & invest in the treadmill. Goodbye money, hello health!
This is based on full marathons, but you can incorporate a lot of the same principals to get ready for yours. Best of luck to you. I am looking to run one in September.
Oh, well, first off...have you ever run, at all in your life? If not, go get fitted with proper running shoes, and not at some shoe store, but at a running store where they will watch your stride and footwork. And I would suggest a trainer, because running is not easy on the body if you do it incorrectly. Injury and pain can be often avoided with a good trainer.

Other than that, start SLOOOOW. Try walking a mile every other day for a few weeks, just to gently teach your joints what road feels like. Then try 1 minute of running, 5 minutes walking, etc, for a few weeks..see, slow. Very slow. It will likely aggravate you, and you wont feel challenged cardio-wise, and that is OK, you are challenging your ankles, knees, hips, feet, toes, and muscles with the pounding of actual running-stress from landing and such. Plus, an injury can take weeeeeks to resolve, and any traingin you had done, will be lost, you'll just have to start over. Bleh.

Here is a site with a beginner's section. Enjoy!
Thanks Artanis.

I defintely will be taking your advice on getting the correct shoes. I dont think I have been fitted for shoes since I was little. Guess that would make sense to get help from someone who knows what to look for.

My plan is just to complete the half marathon rather than run it. I personally hate running, but am open. I just got a treadmill (well not delivered yet, but the bill has been paid...ouch!) & hope to work myself up slowly to being able to walk the 13 miles....if by next January I learn that I like running.. well then maybe I will run some of it.

Falco, Still checking out the website. Seems like a great link! Thanks.
Howdy Welcom and goodluck to ya. We are all here
for the same reasons and we will accomplish our goals.
Have a gr8 weekend Tammy