Any Blackberry Storm Owners?

I really hope they come out with a new OS soon. Rumor has it that it's in the works and makes everything MUCH better with the exception of the camera App. I'm getting so frustrated with how many crashes I've had with the .65 OS along with the lag times and split screen incidents.

Anyone else own a Storm?
I was supposed to get mine in the mail last Friday. I called Verizon after it wasn't delivered and I was told that they've pushed back ALL shipping dates for the Storm. Rumor has it that all of the new ones will have v.75+, so i'm okay with the delay in shipping. I'll keep you posted on my experience, if/when I get it...

I got a chance to mess around with a Storm that my friend got, which had v.65. It didn't seem too, but neither he or I are exactly "power users". It was a little lagged up at times, which I imagine would get annoying if you're using it a lot.
I'm going to install the .75 OS tonight from the crackberry forums. It is supposed to make is a bit faster and I heard .76 is in the works as well. Let me know how you like it when you get it.
I was just logging on to give you the link for that download, but it looks like you're ahead of me. I got a shipment notification last night and it looks like I should have it by Friday - I'll keep ya posted.