Any advice?

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Hi everyone! My names katie, Im from oxford. Back in october I broke my back, pelvis and neck in a horse riding accident. I used to be extremely active with hiking, cycling, martial arts, wall climbing, kayaking and now I can barely walk 5 minutes. Due to this Ive gone from 7st 10 to almost 11st!! Any dieting tips or products that worked for people? T I A x
Hi Katie,

So sorry to hear that. It must have been awful. Has everything mended now? Are you having any physio? Is it pain that's stopping you walking or lack of energy? Sometimes non weight bearing exercise like swimming or cycling is easier than walking.

Best diet is a wholefood diet. That means no refined or processed food and no sugar which will sap your energy. Concentrate on plenty of vegetables especially green vegetables and good clean, lean protein. You could have a green smoothie first thing in the morning with some added green superfood. Don't forget to drink plenty of water ( filtered is best). Muscles need to be hydrated to work efficiently. Healing takes a lot of nutrients and energy and time. It's early days yet after a horrific injury like you have had. Best wishes for better health soon.
Hi sophie, everythings mended apart from the l2 vertebrae which is nearly healed, physios gave me two core exercises. I used to be really strong with all my activities so its frustrating. I can walk 10 minutes before my pelvis starts playing up. Atm im having up to 500cals a day as most days im bed bound cause i dont have the strength to walk anymore. Ive lost a lot of confidence too cause the nerve damage makes me fall over a lot. I only eat fruit&veg, chicken and fish.

Whats your take on the juicing diet? I also need to find more core body exercises

Thanks for your concern and advice sandy i really appreciate it
Hi Katie,

It must be very frustrating but it's early days yet. You will get there but it will take time. It was a terrible shock to your body. Are you really eating only 500 cals a day or do you mean per meal? Your body needs approx 1500 calories a day to just exist. Your metabolism will slow down if you eat very little. Have you got someone who can put your limbs through a range of movements every day? Treatment with a rotating magnet like a Magnetech ( just Google it) would most likely help your nerves & muscles recover.

Juicing is good but vegetable juicing as opposed to fruit is best because of your weight problem. Although I recovered from chronic fatigue years ago with juicing + diet, I prefer green smoothies these days as they contain fibre which helps keep your bowels moving. Being in bed most of the time can slow things down especially if you have to take pain killers.

Your diet seems quite restricted although it's healthy. What about seeds or nuts? You need fatty acids for your nerves to mend especially Omega 3. I see you eat fish but do you eat oily fish? Sardines are good because they are less likely to contain mercury which is toxic. You need some omega 6 as well from good sources like nuts and seeds. It's not true that fat makes you fat. For most people it's carbs that make them fat especially refined carbs.

The reason I mentioned green food before was that Mitchell May formulated one called Pure Synergy after he smashed his whole body up in an accident and was told he would never walk again. He defied his doctors and recovered.

I think your weight will normalize once you get active again so the thing to concentrate on is getting your body repaired.

Best wishes,

Hi sandy

Ill normally eat 2 celery sticks, 2 carrots a weight watchers yoghut and either chicken fish or quorn in the evening with a side salad. I get sick if i eat much more than that like physically gagging.

Ill look up the magnetech cause it sounds useful.

My bf works a lot and when he comes home hes exhausted, i do try to do stretches everyday starting from my head down. Ill be getting a juicer this weekend so im gonna start veg juicing.

Ill buy some sardines this weekend too im not fond of nuts and seeds really.

I need to get the weight off as quick as i can cause ive got my medical and fitness tests for the police coming up and the second im signed on fit to work i have to do the tests

Im really thankful for all your help sandy really really appreciate it :)
Hi Katie. Sorry to hear that. Due to your reduced activity, you may be prone to carb/insulin imbalance, of course not to extent of a medical issue, but enough to cause you gain weight. You may want to stick to low GI (Glycemic Index) food. Reduce anything refined (sugar, white, ...) and increase protein to help keep your muscle mass. Try to get enough vit D and Chromium in form of supplements. Hope it helps.
Yeah i dont have any sugar apart from the sugar in fruit and the closest to carbs i get is making my partners packet lunch! Im definatley going to invest in supplements at the weekend, thanks for your advice :)
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