Sport any advice would be apreciated

Sport Fitness
I am currently 6"1 and ~165 lbs. I would like to lose around 10lbs before i start my new workout. I have been running lots (60-100 miniutes 3 times a week) and trying to follow somwhat of a healthy diet. Can anyone give me some good tips that i could try to get at my desired weight before i start my new workout?
The biggest tip is to eat more than a somewhat healthy diet. Diet is critical to losing those last few pounds. What is your current diet like?
Also, are you weight training? That's an important part of getting the fit body you want.
My Average Days Diet

This is an average days diet for myself:
-bowl of cereal
-glass or orange juice
-piece of toast (with peanut butter)

~10:30 Snack
usually a piece of fruit or grapes

-a sandwich or sub
-iced tea
-nutragrain bar

~3:30 Snack
pretzels or another peice of fruit and more juice, sometimes milk (2%)

The meal i am particularily least proud of lol.
-always meat or pasta of some sort with salad of some sort or potato's and gravy
-glass of milk

~9 Snack
usually more toast or cereal

I need to modify this a lot, but we appreciate some help on tips to make it more healthy
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Less carbs and more protein. Eliminate the last snack of the's all carbs. If you wanna eat at 9:30 pm then eat a protein based snack. You also have a lot of processed foods. Try adding more fresh foods.

What is your body fat percentage? Do you do any strength training? What is the new workout? And why do you want to lose weight before you start your new workout?
You're eating hardly any protein. I definately suggest eating some good lean proteins. Lean meats, fat free cottage cheese, egg whites.
Also, you need veggies. Lots of variety in the veggies. Less processed, whole grain carbs would be a better choice as well. Brown rice, sweet potatoes, oatmeal.

You may want to consider getting help from a personal trainer or nutritionist. I think you could have some great results from a few diet changes.

new workout

I figured that i should lose some of my body fat so that i could be at a more comfortable level. The new workout is basically all strenth training with little to no cardio. On the topic of extra protien, I bought some whey protien a while back for when i started all of my strength training, would taking that help any. Im just insure if i should have so much protien when i am trying to drop my fat levels.
You want plenty of protein when you're trying to lose fat. Too much carbs and fat will hinder your efforts. What's best is a good ratio of plenty of complex carbs and lean proteins with small portions of good fats.
Whey protein is fine. Loads of people eat it while in the fat loss process. You would do well to add some other sources of protein as well. Try to balance each meal with a source of complex carbs and a source of lean protein.


carbs aren't a good thing to fill up on when you're trying to lose fat. carbs, fat, protein..they are all calories...but carbs are the body's primary fuel source.

You want to replace some carbs with protein, gram for gram, since 1g of either contains 4calories.

The idea is you lower carbs to a low intake (not exactly Atkins low though) and get your calories from protein. Eat enough carbs to keep the body healthy, I would go no lower than 100g of carbs on a daily basis. That's enough to keep the brain working right, and maintain decent energy levels.
Then the body is forced to turn to stored fat to gain the energy needed for your workouts. This of course assumes you are eating approx. 500calories less than your maintenance needs.
is this more suitable?

today i replaced the lunch meal with chicken (boneless skinless and lean), although had BBQ sauce with it, then had a protien shake later instead of the later night snack. It was only 1 scoop of whey this time, and had strawberries to add some taste.

Is this a more suitable version of the old diet
Good job upping the protein today. Chicken is a great source. Still, it would be best to eat a carb and a protein together at each meal. Small portions.

1 more thing i would like to know

If i know that i will not be able to make it to the gym on any given day, should i cut back the amount of protien and calories I am taking in? I am just wondering this because i am a student and work part time, which some times mean i go to school 8:30-3 then have work 3:30 til 11, and the gym closes at 11 :mad: .
Do you know how many calories you are eating now?
If you are really struggling with the diet issue and would like a consult, please let me know.