antique treadmill

I am currently on a very tight budget and wanted to buy a treadmill ,that would be very small .I came across one in a store but it doesn't run with a motor,it just consists of a belt which I run on .Its price was in the price range I could afford .My question is would it actually work since it doesn't have a motor,I am the one that would have to give it the acceleration to move ,haven't seen any of those around .I don't mind the idea that its soo simple ,I just want something cheap,small ,and to get me moving.I just want a treadmill that works .Any feedback I would be more than thankful.:)
It would work but it might not be durable make sure that your not to heavy for it and if it is allowed for running I used to have one and it didnt miss a beat.

The fact that your driving the belt isnt always a bad thing too.