im trying to lose weight and have found wouldnt havea problem eating healtier and in periods if i could stop the gut wrenching pain of feeling hungery. i was wondering if there were any safe supplements to prevent you from feeling so hungery?
eat every couple hours. start with a large breakfast and then have a small meal every 2 hours or so. should keep you from feeling hungry. There are suplements that would help out too, but I dont think thats the answer. Try eating whole grains like wheat bread, oatmeal, sweet potatoes. these are complex carbs, and they take longer to break down so they will keep you feeling full longer. also drink lots of water. most of the time when you feel hungry you really only need water. Or try snacking on brocolli because it has virtually no calories and its packed with fiber. High fiber foods will fill you up for longer too. because fiber is harder for the body to digest so it will stay longer. stay away from sugars. these will break down fast turn into fat easy and leave you craving more and more food.
Also eat high protein. this also helps from hunger.. hope this helps