Weight-Loss Anti-oxidants



New member
Think that's the right word atleast! To get rid of free radicals in my body after working out. So to help my body cope with almost daily intense excercise what should I be doing ?

- Multi vit
- Plenty of veg
Is what I'm doing right now, but should I be having green tea, and if so what else ?
As far as food goes, blueberries (and other berries too), prunes and kale are all good. Tea and cocoa are supposed to be good. If you're really interested in the free radical neutralization via food, look up the ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) ratings of common foods. You could supplement too, but opinions seem to be divided on that.

And should you be consuming it right after working out? I know I should be taking more vitamins because it flushes out toxins as well as good stuff for you such as vitamins.
First post!

I recently started drinking Acai berry juice, which is supposed to be rather miraculous in terms of antioxidants. Tastes like a cross between blueberries and chocolate.