anti-gas pills

I dont know what it is in my new "healthy" diet (most likely not one single thing) but I'm tired of all the untimely stomach growls, stomach bloating, and unholy flatulence
so I'm want to give some anti-gas pills a try. From my initial searching they appear harmless with no short or long term side effects but wanted to see if anyone here had any opinions on them or of what type/brand to get.
Have you added dairy into your diet? If so you might be lactose intolerant. In that case, any generic dairy digestive supplement will do the trick.

If not, any of those gas pills should work.
ya I eat oatmeal with nonfat milk.

just googled up the symptoms and I dont think its the dairy, I never feel nauseated or cramped and my "gas" symptoms seem to always happen in the evening, long after I ate my oatmeal (says lactose intolerance symptoms happen .5-2hours after eating dairy)
unfortunately very little. I only eat veggies at night when I'd usually already have the gas before eating them, mostly broccoli. But with my hectic schedule I have been skipping out on this all together, yet still get the gas.

my typical diet for breakfast and lunch

2 servings of oatmeal, milk, banana, strawberries, whey (I eat it slowly, spaced over 2-3 hours)

lunch 12pm, 3pm
usually 2 tiny meals spaced by 2-3 hours of a peanut butter sandwich and a piece of fruit (usually apples and oranges), many times I replace one or both sandwiches with 2 granola or breakfast bars

I then might have another single piece of fruit or a single granola bar at around 4-5pm

I usually get the stomach growls around 12:30 and up, then the "gas symptoms" around 4pm and up
well gas-x type pills will help with stomach gas, but do nothing for passing gas.

and bean-o is very specifically used to break down a sugar found in beans/legumes which the body has problems digesting, so it won't help with gas from veggies/fiber.

Usually giving your body some time to adjust to the new clean/fiber rich diet is all it takes.