
Wasen't sure if this should go in wellness or nutrition, so i decided to put it here. What do yall know about anti-estrogens? I'm extremly sick of gynecomastia and i've heard talk of anti-estrogens might reduce, or dissipate gynecomastia completly. Are anti-estrogens unhealthy for the body? Do they alter muscle gains? Can they effect anything in terms of long-livety, etc...
Thanks for the responses.
estrogen is of my very most favorite chemicals on the planet... why oh why would you want to reduce that???? or should I say women with plenty are my favorite, like my wife.... uh huh!!!.... hehehehehe sorry, no sweets this afternoon-- YET!
estrogen is of my very most favorite chemicals on the planet... why oh why would you want to reduce that???? or should I say women with plenty are my favorite, like my wife.... uh huh!!!.... hehehehehe sorry, no sweets this afternoon-- YET!


And thx, silent. I didn't think it sounded like a great idea, but when you get to the point working hard to get to your goals and not being able to show them off because of something so become kinda desperate.
Talk to your doc. Then have hem send you to an endocrinologist. They are far more specialized and "Should" be able to give you better advise compared to the standard practitioner.

They deal specifically with hormonal disorders. If anyone can answer you questions about anti-estrogen's, and the condition in general, They can.

Best of luck man.
The kind of AI that you need you cannot buy OTC. There are drugs out there, like letro, that have been used to reduce and eliminate gyno. Your best bet (as mentioned) is to talk to a doctor. If your doctor won't do anything for you, then you can always look into research chemicals.
No doctor will prescribe you an AI or SERM, they're meant for post menopausal women who had breast cancer. Your only OTC option, which 98% of the time won't work, is evening primose oil, or perhaps even 6oxo. But as mentioned there are risks. Estrogen helps keep your blood lipids in check, blood pressure in check, along with other important functions. These things will return to normal once the medicine is ceased, but one should be careful because the body will attempt to over correct once the medication is stopped and convert a surplus of estrogen putting you at risk to worsen or redevelop your gynocomastia. The doctor will tell you not to take any drugs (maybe evening primose oil) and send you to a surgeon.
No doctor will prescribe you an AI or SERM, they're meant for post menopausal women who had breast cancer. Your only OTC option, which 98% of the time won't work, is evening primose oil, or perhaps even 6oxo. But as mentioned there are risks. Estrogen helps keep your blood lipids in check, blood pressure in check, along with other important functions. These things will return to normal once the medicine is ceased, but one should be careful because the body will attempt to over correct once the medication is stopped and convert a surplus of estrogen putting you at risk to worsen or redevelop your gynocomastia. The doctor will tell you not to take any drugs (maybe evening primose oil) and send you to a surgeon.

dam, that freaking sucks lol. thanks anywayz man. It's nothing major, but it is dam sure awesome at killing my confidence. Thanks for all the replys, appriciate all yalls help.