Having dealt with depression a few times in my life and utilizing meds in one of those cases I can speak with a little knowledge on this subject.
I agree with Chillen that you should eliminate the testosterone supplement and focus on taking your prescribed meds. If you take any supplements I would suggest a good multivitamin that has a good B-vitamin complex and Omega-3 Fatty Acid/Fish Oil supplement.
And PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do not rely solely on the meds to help you deal with your personal life struggles. Find a good counselor that you click with and can talk comfortably with. Your treatment, and thus your need for the anti-depressants will be far better and shorter if you combine the two.
Focussing on your health is an excellent outlet/distraction, etc too during times like these.
Lastly, if your testosterone levels truly concern you, try "supplementing" by eating a diet rich in testosterone producing foods. You might be surprised that many of them are food that are really good for your goals anyways and also provide necessary mood-enhancing vitamins and minerals which will further help you with the external crap happening in your life. Who knows, maybe doing it "naturally" will even further increase your personal "emotional" strength too.
Not too surprisingly, many of the same foods help combat depression.
Here is a list of foods that help fight depression for many various nutritional reasons; I challenge anyone to find more than a few that aren't overall good choices for a good diet anyhow:
Asparagus, Beets, Bok Choy, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Chickpeas, Dried beans, Fresh Peas, Garlic, Potatoes, Savoy Cabbage, Soybeans, Spinach, Winter Squash
Amaranth, Barley, Brown Rice, Buckwheat, Lentils, Oats/Oatmeal, Quinoa, Wheat, Wheat Germ, Wheat Pasta
Almonds, Avocados, Brazil Nuts, Dark Chocolate, Pumpkin Seeds, Sunflower Seeds
Chicken, Flounder, Lamb, Oysters, Shrimp, Tuna, Turkey
Blackberries, Oranges, Pomegranates
Best of luck, take each day one step at a time and hang in there.