Another venture under way...

Ok... Is this where I get motivated? Need it. I've tried everything from Weight Watchers, South Beach, Apex, Calorie counting, General Practitioner, Nutritionist, Endocrinologist (sp?) Working out 3 days a week, 6 days a week. Shall I go on? I am 5'2 and 150 lbs. It seems as though the more I try that number keeps creeping up. I am 36 and will not settle for "maybe that is where your body should be". I have body fat, plenty. I have had trainers, doctors and nutritionists say, "you should be losing weight". My metabolism must be non-existent. And no, I do not have a thyroid problem. Checked that too. I am not obese and I am not unrealistic. 25-30 lbs. would make me happy. I know so much about dieting, I should change professions. I know the right foods and such. Any suggestions? Motivation? I'm so frustrated.
Is this the right forum for me?

Ok, I'm done.
although I am sure that there are some ppl in this forum that will shoot me for even asking...have you tried any medications(ie. trimspa, REVxp, hydroxycut, etc.)? Some ppl think that they don't work, but I have never had a problem with them.....especially if nothing you have tried works. I would suggest that if you O decide to try any of these (or any other medicatition that helps "melt fat away," be it by thermogenics or otherwise) you should consult your doctor before hand as it may cause complications with any medications you may be taking or any condition you may have.

Now that I've said my piece, and I'm sure someone might object....:D

HI! and welcome to the board! If you have any questions, feel free to ask, whether through a private message to a member or though a formal post. We will all be more than happy to help in any way we can.
Well......your story sounds like mine. But I did find some help...and the weight came off.....and has stayed off. Keep the faith....we're here to help.
tiedtobefit said:
Ok... Is this where I get motivated? Need it. I've tried everything from Weight Watchers, South Beach, Apex, Calorie counting, General Practitioner, Nutritionist, Endocrinologist (sp?) Working out 3 days a week, 6 days a week. Shall I go on? I am 5'2 and 150 lbs. It seems as though the more I try that number keeps creeping up. I am 36 and will not settle for "maybe that is where your body should be". I have body fat, plenty. I have had trainers, doctors and nutritionists say, "you should be losing weight". My metabolism must be non-existent. And no, I do not have a thyroid problem. Checked that too. I am not obese and I am not unrealistic. 25-30 lbs. would make me happy. I know so much about dieting, I should change professions. I know the right foods and such. Any suggestions? Motivation? I'm so frustrated.
Is this the right forum for me?

Ok, I'm done.
You know what? Only the last sentence really said your problem, with all the other sentences giving the excuses for it. Do not get frustrated. Everything is possible with faith and right kind of humble Self-confidence. If you really follow your heart, you can achieve whatever you want.

Otherwise, welcome to the board; you'll find plenty of info and helpful people from here! :) I know you'll make it!