Cohen's Lifestyle Another Newbie!

Prefix for Cohen's Lifestyle


New member
Hi there - I hope I'm in the right section now, I posted an entry in the newcomers section, but when i mentioned I was interested in Cohen's, the person who answered said she wasn't a fan of diets - which is fine, but this is the road I need to take atm so hopefully you guys can help me out!

I take it this is a US site, but I see a few Aussies here and I lived in & have just come back from a holiday in the US so thought this is the place for me!

I'm a serial yo yoer, mum of 4 , who has just hit the big four ohhhhh...shhhhh!!!!:eek: I have high cholesterol, and have just hit the heaviest weight of my life. I love chocolate, and have kept Cadbury's afloat for the past few years, especially, but I've reached a point where I want this to STOP!!!

I've done Atkins & SureSlim both of which worked well but A is not that healthy, and the SS consultants were useless. SO, hoping Cohen's consultants will really motivate & encourage me - along with you guys!!!:D Being low carb, I know it will work for me if I stick to it - my body seems to respond to that!

Both hubby & I need to lose about 25 kg (55 pounds)
I have booked in for an info session on Fri, so looking forward to hearing what they've got to say -and to what you guys have to say :)
Welcome Choclover:)

I used to be a chocaholic...hubby and I both then he got diagnosed with type 2 diabetes so that all got discontinued in our house.

I've done the Atkins too, not tried Sureslim which is a wonder because I've tried many.

Well I think you've come to the right place....I did Cohens 3 years ago and lost all my weight successfully, and then I foolishly started eating bad again.

Anyway I am back doing Cohens because I have tried many more diets since to try and lose and nothing worked and with Cohens the weightloss is just phenomonally fast.
I've already lost 5kg in 23 days:)!!!!.....
As long as you don't deviatate ands stick to the plan 100% you will see the weight drop off.

Good luck and look forward to getting to know you better.

Thanks, Sam

Update - spoke to DH before and he said he can put off going to the gym till later tonight, so I've phoned Cohen's and am going to info session tonight!

Have done a bit of being naughty - had a Tuna sushi ,Snickers and some chickie frogs!!!:eek2::rolleyes::rotflmao:....naughty, I know, and some people will say you should be weaning yiurself off that, but......oh, well!! LOL!

Off to do a cycle class now. That's one thing I'm a little concerned about -I like my exercise, so don't know how I'll go not doing so much - plus, I've signed up for a 10km run in Dec that I always do....

I'll start a diary on here once I get started :seeya:
Ok, so back from the info session. This is SO much like SureSlim, although I like the marketing technique of seeing food as your medicine....and I think that mindset could work for me!!!

I also like that you have repeat blood tests, and so hopefully can monitor your progress on the inside as well.

The lady who took the session has lost 63kg, and all of the staff have done the programme and lost considerable amounts of weight, so it's good to know that they understand what you're going through. She also said that you really have to be in the right head space before you tackle this, so that was good, b/c I know it will be hard at times - esp coming into Christmas, and all the food orientated cekebrations that come with it!

I did mention afterwards that I had done SS and that what I really need is accountability and support and that I didn't find that at SS. I figure it's a lot of money and I have the right to ask for that!!! She said you have a consultation every 4 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is absolutely not enough for me, esp not in the forst month, but she said they could see me weekly if that's what I need - they just won't weigh me, which is fine - I'm not that obsessed with the number, as I weigh 'heavy' - I don't think people would believe me if I told them exactly how much I weigh - I'm more concerned about getting back into my little clothes.........which feels like forever away I have to say!!!!!

Anyway , some of the pics were amaaaaaazing and inspirational, and it fired me up, so I think I'm ready to do this - I might go have the blood test done tomorrow!!! Then I'll have to pay they say "no pain no gain"!!!!!!!!
Hi choclover. Welcome to your new life. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I did my bit for Cadbury's over the years. About exercise. I think it's okay for you to still do the same amount of exercise you were doing pre-Cohens. Your consultant will give you the heads up on that.
What you said about weighing heavy rings true for me too. No one can ever believe what I weigh, because I'm tall long waisted, broad shouldered, and get quite small up the top half. Plus until I got very overweight, I always had a flat tummy. In fact a friend used to say it was concave. I've even had a doctor, when I was around 70kgs say she didn't think I would have weighed that much. (Ppfft I'd love to be that weight now lol). While it can be a good thing
that some weight gain isn't obvious to others, it's annoying because I get lulled into complacency, and it slowly creeps back up again. I can also put a weight on really fast. I can shock people with how much I can put on in a matter of days. Anyway, I look forward to reading your success.
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Hi L-Jay! It's nice to know someone else is like me - ha ha!!! I'm the same - very broad in the shoulders and back, but I have very small hips (probably explains the 4 c/sections!) hidden under all of this fat!!! I tend to put on weight everywhere ,not just on my legs/bum/tummy, so people often say "you haven't put on THAT much"...but I have!!! I am 30kg heavier than when I finished SS:banghead: - although I thik I ended up a little skinny, I'd still like to lose 27kg!

Anyway, will start a diary, where I can ramble on a bit - lol - as I just had my blood test. The lady asked if I was in the middle of it, and having follow up bloods!!! See - I hide it well!!!!!! :smilielol5:
Welcome Choclover :) mmm i'm really craving chocolate lately :(

Which state are you in?

I also have a little bit of a problem with the level of support my consultant gives me. She is quick to reply to emails when I have any questions which is great but for the amount of money we pay I think they could go to a lot more effort to provide a better a random email here and there saying 'hey, i tried this out for dinner last night or this was my favourite cohens meal when i was on the program, what's yours?' or just email out recipes/random information... anything along those lines would be great. Just to know that you have someone who's thinking about you!

When I went for appointment 2 weeks into the program, it felt pretty pointless. Considering I have to drive about 45 mins to the clinic... I got in there, I didnt weigh because it had not been 4 weeks yet, she said 'How are you going?' and that was it... I had to try and think of things to say!

Anyways, enough about that. Welcome to the forum and you will definately get a lot of support and information from this website. I have found it great to answer so many questions and what to expect with refeed, life after cohens. This really will be the road to the new, healthier and thinner you and you'll never go back!

Hope to read more about your journey soon.
All the best, Kristy :)
Another newbie!!

I am also a newbie. I've been to the info session, had the blood test and on Monday I go for my first appointment. I must say that I'm tossing up whether I should cut loose and have all my favourites over the next few days or whether I should start weaning myself off (much more sensible) I too have tried many diets and have been through that awful yo yo syndrome. I have two wardrobes one for the skinny me and one for the fat me. What a waste!!!
Anyway, I reckon that I have around 30kg to loose and I'm hoping to meet some friends along the journey. I'm sure I'll need the support and maybe I can offer some support to others as well.
Hi Arnie, welcome to the forum and Cohens. Yes, I think a lot of us can relate to 2 wardrobes lol. I can't really suggest what to do pre-Cohens, eg go all out, or weaning. It's a personal decision, but regarding any withdrawal symptoms etc, they should be well and truly over after the first week. A lot of us don't even have any, and some only for a day or two. So whatever you choose, be happy with your decision. Looking forward to hearing about all your losses.
Good advice L-Jay - I don't think anyone can tell you what's right or wrong!!!!

Have to admit I've gone down the "I'll just have......" and haven't been very good!!!! But I know once I start (tomorrow!!!) I'll do it 100% so I actually don't feel that bad!

Hi Kristy and Arnie!:waving::waving:

Kristy - I'm in Melbourne. Lucky for me my local clinic is about 10 mins away which is very convenient.

I only just picked up my programme today (woo-hoo!!) and I have to say my consultant was much better and far more interested in me than the SureSlim ones ever were , so hopefully that will continue. She weighed and measured me, and we booked in appts for the next 4 weeks so she was totally flexible. Very unimpressive that the girl you saw was not very forthcoming!!! :(

Hey Arnie - let's hope we can blitz this together!!!
Hi Arnie & welcome to the forum. Check out this thread re "Preparing for Cohen's"
The day before I started I had a little bit of chocolate & a couple of glasses of wine. My brain had clicked that I was making a permanent change so I started thinking "moderation". This was a 1st I think!
The more you gain before starting is the more you have to lose. Cohen's is only a temporary fix unless you change the way you think about food & yourself. Good health & maintaining a healthy weight is something that will need to be worked at for the rest of our lives. That's ok. Most slim people watch what they eat I have discovered.
I would start right now. Just my thoughts. Cheers, Cate.