another newbie

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New member
Hi, I am new to all this. I was looking for some support google weight loss and ended up here. Looks like a great site. I started my diet this week. One in a long line of failed ones. But this one is going to be the one that suceeds. I need it to. I wanted to come along to here because I dont have much in the way of support from Family, and husbands not to impressed with me joining a weight loss club. So here I am. I am quite excited about this forum as it is quite motivational. and help me get geared up. I have a lot of weight to lose, propable the most on this bored and it is easy to get distracted becaue it takes so long. but I am hoping loging on here every day will keep me on track. I am a full time mum of two small kids 4 and 2 and live in Australia. We work in kg so I am not quite sure how to convert that to pounds can anyone help me with that. Also not very sure what those avitors are but they look cool. like to figure them out. Where is the best place to post now I have joined. Also noticed the team chalenges you have and thought I would love to get involved in that. Ok sorry enough rambliing from me. My current weight is 138kg(not sure what that is in pounds, but wow that was hard to write down) and I would like to get to 70kg. I have no set time limit as I know it will take awhile, but my first mini goal is to get to 120kg and I would like to do that by my cousins wedding which is April 2nd.
Thanks for reading.
welcome to the forum! i will post some links to help get you started. :)

here is the weight conversion link here on the forum

and here is a link to the diary section, not sure if you have started one yet.
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