another new kid

Just found this board.

I'm "an ex-athlete", having spent 12 years as a competitive swimmer, but that was several lifetimes ago. Most of what I knew is old info, much even proven to be bad for you!!

I was having some health issues last year and quit smoking (just made 11 months), cut way down on caffeine and after pneumonia, hadn't felt all that great the rest of 05 (sinus and allergy problems, mostly).

Started working out in October (my 40th birthday gift to myself was the club membership) and am enjoying it. Doing a lot of different things - racquetball, kickboxing, Pilates, treadmill (all the programs - love the incline), elliptical, arc trainer, aqua aerobics, weight lifting and lots of stretching and ball exercises. I love the variety and haven't even tried everything they offer yet.

Quitting smoking, I put on a lot of weight (I knew that would be part of the program and have successfully ended my addiction to Edy's Peanut Butter Cup Ice Cream). I'm about 5' 4" and have spent at least a decade in the 130ish area, but ballooned beyond 150. I've lost at least 7 pounds, but don't care about the number so much as I care about results -- I DO NOT want to buy another pair of Fat Pants!

I'm having a blast working out and it turns out that the diet part is coming along because I don't want to blow my hard work on a stupid donut or cheesy garlic bread!
welcome aboard :)
Thanks for taking the time to reply!

Hi , just wanted to compliment on your past and your soon to be terrific future. I guess we are on the same path, wanting the same thing, from ourselves! As long as there is dedication ,there is a will and as long as there is a will, there is a way! I truely believe in this working out stuff and hope that like in anything in life, that it is all worth it...the talking stomach( when it tells you that you are hungry for some thing that looks or smells good, and you know it is bad for you) , the aches and pains, the wanting for chocolate etc...
Anyways I could go on and on about that! Thanks again !
arosenoble said:
the talking stomach( when it tells you that you are hungry for some thing that looks or smells good, and you know it is bad for you) , the aches and pains, the wanting for chocolate etc...

so ur telling me i cant have my salami sandwiches and tim tams and mint slices anymore??!! :eek: :mad:


ps: smalling enjoy ur stay! have a good one mate
well...ummmm, thats up to you?

I can't be the judge for you, but for me ,that is what keeps me back from having all that I have ever wanted .Being firm and then eating the chocolate ,now that is a different story. I have to reprogram my whole body. Then afterwards ,when my goal weight is substained (for many years) and on a daily fitness program, than yes I can eat what I smell -that makes me stand on tip toes to find ..."Where is that smell coming from!" I think that might take a while. But go ahead and have your yummys, but remember all the calories you are gonna have to burn to get rid of that one pound...3,500 calories to burn one pound. Just the thought of that, well you get the idea!