Another Howdy

Greetings, all.

I am a strength trainer in California and just ran across your board.

I like to discuss health and am happy to see a board like yours without 13000 members all on at the same time making it an impersonal place.

Hope to talk to most of you soon!

Welcome to the forum, Hawk! :)
~LV~ said: neither......I gotz to getz mys edufcation.....

Anyone know how I can get a 6 pack by tomorrow?


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How's it going Hawk. Welcome to the board. I gotta agree with you about the larger forums...too many questions and not enough knowledge to go around. I like this one being the size it is right now.
xtonymarsx said:
How's it going Hawk. Welcome to the board. I gotta agree with you about the larger forums...too many questions and not enough knowledge to go around. I like this one being the size it is right now.

Hey there, xtonymarsx!

I like the smaller sized boards quite a bit. My experience with the larger ones is that the larger they are, the more they become a show-off zone for the guys heavy into chemicals and ego stroking. -And then those same guys become the overwhelming majority.

The problem I have with that is that the newcomer or beginner can't really get an honest bit of help anywhere. -And when they do, they are often mislead. I can already see the members on this board genuinely have an interest in helping others and truly make it a great environment for all.