Ankles hurt during and after jogging

Hi, I love running/jogging. I'm trying to get into shape, so I started jogging in my backyard a couple of weeks ago. I can't run outside on the street because it's dangerous, and I can't go to a gym either because it's expensive and thus a committment--i would rather run at my own pace anyway. But here's the problem, I started running in the afternoon in my backyard, in "laps" when the ground was dry, and I'd turn at my patio. Course when I had to turn there, whichever ankle i was turning on would hurt a little. Now, I've decided to run in the mornings first thing when I wake up. The patio is wet, so I just do an extra length around in the grass. The problem is that there are parts in my backyard that are very unleveled, so I find that I have to press flat on my right foot in some parts, and kinda drag on the other foot. The lateral part of my ankle is the one that hurts when I have to return the dragged foot to stepping motion.

What can I do to help myself? I love setting "how many I will do today, right now, etc", and I think this could really help me overall. My shoes are many years old, and the bottom bottom part has come off, so that only the white part is intact.
The answer to your question is hidden in that last paragraph. Your equipment (ie. your shoes) are very old and need replacing. This is throwing your whole body off and it's trying to compensate. Also, since you described having varied terrain, that's only making it worse.

Get some good shoes and you'll notice improvement. Also, your age / previous injuries could factor into the problem as well.
There are a gazillion little muscles in your legs and feet that serve as stabilizers. When you run in straight lines on even terrain, these muscles are not used. When you run on uneven terrain with lots of turns, you stress these stabilizer muscles. Keep at it and these muscles will toughen up. Back off on the speed and duration and frequency until those muscles toughen up. If the pain continues for more than a week, see a doctor.
Thanks so much for your positive comments. I actually just went out yesterday to buy a pair of running shoes Adidas at 39.99. They felt like I was stepping onto a pillow--nice. But, when I started testing them by jogging, my ankles hurt. I was thinking my ankles need rest, so i'm going to lay off of running for a few days.

I know many might think it's weird to run in your backyard lol, but I really am trying to get in shape, and whether in public or on a 1500 sq foot house, running is fun.
