Animulas workouts!



Just a brief intro and brief plan.. I'm a 23year old girl, been working out all my life but it so many different ways. Horsebackriding since four, walking for hours for as long as I can remember, running, basketball, volleyball, skiing, strength training, etc etc. In sept/oct I walked four weeks in Spain, and since then I've been moving around a lot and I have some old injuries that got worse after the very long heavy backpack walk in Spain that I have to take care of. Made a plan now that'll get me back on track with easy workouts and.. at least 6h sleep every night if I can manage.:animal3::animal3: I'm a bit restless..

My weeks will look something like this:

Monday - cross country walk (some climbs, some downhills etc etc)
Tuesday - weight lifting and stretching
Wednesday - 1h run
Thursday - weghtlifting and stretching
Friday - rest
Saturday - long distance and stretching
Sunday - rest

+ I'll allways walk at least an hour a day anyway. + some physiotherapy + some yoga

So, today is a day of rest. Think that's a good idea since I've been working evening/night shifts all week. 9 1/2 h physical work, and ... 4h sleep last night. But I've been
-walking an hour,
-30min on bike,
- +45min massage and stretching for the longdistance knee trouble.

Starting to feel so sore after the massage, wow. Second time now, hurts like ****. But I know it'll get better from it!
Saturday and sunday

Saturday: Very sore from massage, had some serious knifestabbing pain in left leg, so I just walked an easy hour and rested after.

Sunday: Better today, and high on energy. Did 3hour walking, mainly uphills and.. skatet down on a snowskate (love snow!). Also did som regular stretching exercises for thights +. Feels a bit sore, but managable.

-Started out with a 30min walk in the morning. A gentle walk is always the best way to start a day I think.
-Later I did 3h in the forest. Deep snow, up to my knees at the most, had to work for every stride - was actually easier to run or jump than to walk. Great work out!

-30min morningwalk
-30min "middle of the day" walk
-1h strenght training, focusing on chest, triceps and thights. Light weights, lots of technique and slow movements. Felt good! Stretching after.

My tissue is bonehard in thights after overtraining...:confused4: Got longdistanceknee + Finally getting better...

-30min walk
-80min walk/run

-1h strenght training, focusing on upperbody. Felt very good, mainly working on technique.
-Followed by 20min stretching
-30min walk
And more

Not feeling to good last weekend, so just had a couple of walks friday and saturday.

-30min walk
-Skiing (not sure how long)

-30min walk
-1h strength training
-20min stretching
Felt great...

30min walk
-Physiotherapy, looking better. Got some good exercises to work on, happy with progress!
-45min run, good..

30min walk
-1h strengthtraining, mainly focusing on back and torso in general
-20min stretching

-Physiotherapy, impressing strength and getting more mobility all over, still a bit tight, so working on movements, stretching, rotations etc.

-1h strengthtraining, mainly legs, abdominals, rotations and some chest. Had some trouble with squats.! Hope it's not a big setback.
-20min stretching
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