Animal Staks

I've always loved them. I always get solid results, but I try not to use them too often. I normally do a cycle of them (Animal Pak and Animal M-Stak) every three months or so. Just throwning that out there.

I will post some picks after this cycle is over.

Anyone else ever try them?

is that from In and Out burger?
xtonymarsx said:
I've always loved them. I always get solid results, but I try not to use them too often. I normally do a cycle of them (Animal Pak and Animal M-Stak) every three months or so. Just throwning that out there.

I will post some picks after this cycle is over.

Anyone else ever try them?

I'm cutting now, but i am intrigued. The price, though, makes me kinda hesitant
xtonymarsx said:
I've always loved them. I always get solid results, but I try not to use them too often. I normally do a cycle of them (Animal Pak and Animal M-Stak) every three months or so. Just throwning that out there.

I will post some picks after this cycle is over.

Anyone else ever try them?
Good luck with your current cycle xtonymarsx.
Yes please keep us posted.
They are pill packets (the pills are huge btw) that are made to be "stacked" with one another. There are some for bulking, cutting, and anything in between. The like the most is the fact that they get me so pumped for the gym. I take M-Stak an hour before I work out, and by the time I get to the gym, I'm ret-to-go...haha.

EliteMarine...I wouldn't suggest you take any kind of supplements like this though because of your age. Best thing you can do is to keep to protein and eat like a maniac.
Ill wait till im ready to get huge. Im not into ECA stacks or antyhing like that. Appetite is not a big issue with me. My current diet keeps me full all day