Sport Animal AND Soy Free Protein Drinks

Sport Fitness
Hi, everyone.

I recently found a neat company that has some animal and soy free products. I have only tried one of their products and really enjoy it. I thought I would pass it along to others who may be interested in this sort of thing.

Hope it helps some :)
Hey Lynn I know you like Hemp bread, have you seen this yet?

I think the amino acids make it a decent contender. Wouldn't be great for post work out, but it would make a great slow digesting protein for nighttime.
Ouch! $19 for a 12oz can of Whey protein? I can get 5.5lbs of 100% whey from Optimum Nutrition for like $25.

and I bet it tastes better.
I haven't seen that one. It is a bit expensive for my blood, but intereseting nonetheless. I'm still partial to the Hemp Bread... it's so freaking good and good for you!!