Anhidrosis + Adrenal fatigue+ weight loss

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So, I started out as a size 2, 115 pounds, just a wisp of a woman. And now I'm nearing 200, size 18.

It's FINALLY been diagnosed as having Adrenal issues. So, back a couple years ago, when I gained all the weight, I endured the most stress humanly possible without dying (rape, child abuse- I was 17, I disowned my dad when he found out I was bi and told me I was going to hell, family deaths, forced to move from childhood home, etc.). I shut down, and basically, my body was convinced that it was dying, so it produced a BUNCH of cortisol and effectively stopped my metabolism in its tracks. I developed severe anxiety from the condition, which in turn only fed it, and yeah... It's been a wild ride.

I'm finally on some supplements for my Adrenal issues, and I've been feeling really good the past few days (my stress levels are down and I have a little bit of energy)!

My main issue right now is how to get the weight off. I mean, I've been skinny for 80% of my life so far, so I know HOW to be skinny. I eat right, at the right times, and do all that stuff. I don't need any kind of lecture on HOW to eat, because I wouldn't have been skinny my entire life unless I was already moderately healthy to begin with (you know what I mean?).

My real issue is with exercise. I want to workout, I want to get toned. But I have this thing; I've always had it, and it's called Anhidrosis. It means- very simply- I don't sweat. I don't sweat at ALL. Never once has even a single drop of perspiration come off my body, even in 120- degree heat! As you can imagine, this is not good for my body's cooling system (imagine driving through Texas, mid- summer, without an air conditioner). I have had quite a few heat strokes, and one back in 2014 almost killed me. So, I am really limited as to what I can do, physically. If I get above 100 degrees, I have to slow down and stop what I'm doing, because it could legitimately kill me.

I swim, and I like doing that. But I live in the San Fran Bay; it's not always warm enough to swim in the summer. And what do I do the rest of the year?

Basically, I am just looking for tips/ things I can do to help myself. Workouts, plans, anything that has worked for Adrenal fatigue. But maybe some consideration for the fact that I don't sweat, too... :/ It makes it very difficult.
You can do pretty much any exercise others can do, but you need to take extra care, starting slowly and working within limits only you can know. Be careful of group exercise classes as most group fitness trainers will try to push you harder because they are not able to see you sweating when in reality you will be working as hard as you are able with no outward signs of that effort. You should be including weight bearing exercise (lifting weights) as this is not only going to help you build the bodyshape you want, it is also unlikely to force you into overheating if you are in an air conditioned exercise space.
I've overheated in the middle of winter before, actually multiple times. The fact is that I CANNOT do what most other people can, and my doctors have actually warned me off even trying most things (maybe they're getting tired of seeing me in the ER). Swimming is the only thing I know that works, so I think I'll have to find a way to stick with that.
You have adrenal fatigue, which means your body is under so much stress that you can't even produce the proper hormones any more. The result is that you feel tired all the time. (oversimplification, but good enough for our purposes)

Logically, you want to go DO all these things like start working out, or getting a career, etc. But your body just isn't giving you the energy to DO these things.

Why would a body not give you energy? BECAUSE IT WANTS TO REST!

I would invite you to focus on resting more.

Exercise isn't necessary for weight loss, so there's no need to worry there. You can easily get toned by doing gentle activity like yoga, tai chi, or qigong. It's probably best that you do it inside, in air conditioning, (due to your sweating issue... which again... is the inability of your body to cool itself off - inability to rest).

Other areas of rest to consider:
  • Get 8 hrs of sleep per night. Go to bed between 10:30PM and 6AM (this will be in line with your circadian rhythm). Sleep is essential for rest.
  • Drink enough water
  • Avoid crappy food like trans fats and acelluar carbohydrtates (carbohydrates that no longer have a cell like white flour and white sugar)
  • Eat lots of vegetables.
  • Spend 1 hour every day doing something you enjoy. If you really love reality TV, then watch it for an hour a day and enjoy it. If you like bird watching, then go watch bird. Do stuff that you like.
  • See a counselor if you're struggling with any mental/emotional trouble.
  • Learn to breathe in your diaphragm
Develop a relationship with yourself. I'd invite you to change your mindset from "I need to lose weight and look good" to "I've been through a lot and I need to take care of myself."

You may or may never 'cure' adrenal fatigue, but there's no point in being at war with your own body. If it wants to be tired all the time, then rest up and give it what it wants. Don't force yourself to exercise because some expert tells you it's necessary for a health body.

Last thing: this is a warning. Sitting on the couch and watching TV all day is not resting. Resting is restorative - it rebuilds you. Watching TV all day or hunching over and reading a book all day is just vegetation. It maintains (and ruins posture). It does not restore.
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