
I'm so incredibly pissed off right now. My wife's friend borrowed my keys, and inadvertantly wiped out my thumb-drive somehow. There went probably 20 hours worth of diet and excercise research... Not to mention everything from work...
Wish i could help. But seriously i'd be megaly po'd too! What a F uckn idiot
surely you have back up copies on a hard drive at home or work?

I lost my coursework the day before it was due in becasue the floppy i saved it on corupted and i was daft enough to not save a copy at home or college. Simce then i've learnt lesson and always make back-ups to everything.
Thumb drives fail all the time. For anybody who uses them for any kind of permanent storage you need to seriously keep a backup of the drive on your hard drive. Also for any important files, make sure you have several copies on multiple media devices... Hard drive fails, cdroms break, flash drives die.

It's a pain to keep backups, but it's worth it. I was given a project to work on, worth a good chunk of money, that I spent a few days working on. Well, one day I figured I might as well backup my data from work, just in case. Well the day after, I was working on my project, and the program running the project file had failed. All of the sudden my entire project was gone... I almost broke down in tears, because this had been some of my best work in a while. Then it hit me, I have a backup! You know that 'happy' feeling you get after an orgasm, that same feeling had hit me. :)
surely you have back up copies on a hard drive at home or work?

I lost my coursework the day before it was due in becasue the floppy i saved it on corupted and i was daft enough to not save a copy at home or college. Simce then i've learnt lesson and always make back-ups to everything.

Floppies are the devil :-(. I had a floppy failure the day of my presentation - never used a floppy again.