Cohen's Lifestyle Andie's Cohen Journey (smileyfreckle5)

Prefix for Cohen's Lifestyle


New member
Hi guys!! :seeya:

Figured I'd start one of these in here and in the diary section and work it out from there later...There is no real information on people's experiences with the Cohen's Clinic in New Zealand (where I live) so would be great to learn a bit from this!

I'm 24, 85 kg (187 pounds) and I'm hoping to start the Cohen's Clinic next week. I had my first blood test on Monday and eagerly waiting to be able to start! I have struggled with my weight over the course of uni since 2006, due to health issues, busy uni issues and a lack of discipline when it came to terrible food. I'm hoping to change this going into summer over here and hopefully reign in 2012 feeling much better.

I have tried changing the way I eat before but can never maintain it for long enough to see any recognisable results and therefore lose the motivation to keep going. But with my 24th birthday having been on Monday, I want to be able to change that around and re-learn the healthy habits I had during my childhood and high school.

That's my little speel for the moment, I have started upping my water intake in preparation for next week (I have heard headaches are common in the first week of the Cohen's Diet) but can't wait to be able to properly start!

Any advice or experiences would be much appreciated!

Thank you for reading!

Hello again little diary,

Found out my programme has been made and sent back (yay! :jump:) so have made an appointment tomorrow to learn about what I need to do to achieve my goals. As my 24th birthday party is this weekend, I have decided to start this on Monday so I can stay commited (alcohol is banned on the Cohen's diet). This also means I can do a grocery shop and plan meals for next week during the weekend. Will take all measurements and weight Sunday night before starting! Have been drinking a lot more water to try and prepare myself somewhat for the first week on Cohen's. I have heard that you can get some headaches and can feel quite tired in your first week so I have taken some advice and minimised coffee and maximised water for this week.

Anyways, bye for now :biggrin:


I weighed myself first thing this morning as I'm starting the Cohen's Diet today! I'm sitting at 83.5 kg (184 pounds). The diet seems a little restrictive with what you are allowed to eat but I'm sure I can experiment when I get used to it. Tried unsweetened yoghurt for the first time for breakfast, not a big fan haha BUT a big fan of oranges which was my other part of breakfast so yay! Hopefully, the unsweetened yoghurt will grow on me...

Luckily its heading into summer over here so the water drinking is not going to be a big issue, its 11am and I'm just under a litre. I have a massive bottle of water and I'm just sipping away at it through work. Weighed all my meat portions for the week out last night, put them in ziplock bags and froze them. Just realised I completely forgot to take one back out for tonight, woops...ah well, hence why microwaves were invented!

Anyways very very excited that Monday is finally here so I can get started!!! :hurray:

Andie :)