.....and we begin


New member
Hi All,

Never posted on a forum before, so this is a first, so be gentle.

I’m current around 17 stone, 5ft 8inches, 33 male and looking for a change.

Currently being living a healthy lifestyle for about 36 hours. Thought I would write a blog to help me with my plight to give me some additional motivation.

Where do a start, so ever since about 18 I’ve been on the heavy side, but last few years I’ve got bigger and bigger, I genuinely feel I’m ready for a change, but my hardest thing is sticking to it. Not making excuses, but last few years I’ve comfort eaten and drunk most days, I wouldnt go as far to say I’m a alcoholic but defo seeked refuge in drinking! Lot of women issues screwed my lil brain up, but 100 percent not thinking about it now, and just looking after me.

Also I’ve got my drinking demons under control, probably drink once a week now, hence my new willingness to get fit.

Unlike most I don’t actually want to be super skinny but at same time I don’t want to stand out for all the wrong reasons. My goal is to be able to wear a t shirt next summer and not feel concious about my beer belly and developing moobs!

My diet is pretty good so far, two eggs in the morning, with avocado and salmon, salad for lunch, followed by a chicken, rice and veg dinner, keep it really simple. As long I go shopping, I normally can stick to it, hardest thing for me, is keeping my mood on point, I’m a person that always self inflicts with over doing food or drink, whenever my mood turns, was thinking of picking up yoga but have no clue if this will help.

Open to advice on what to do exercise wise, or just saying hi will be helpful.
congratulations on your decision... starting to change things around is always the biggest first step to getting more healthy. let me try to give you the best first advice and that is to keep going. your body will take a while to start turning your old habits around so it's normal to not see or feel any change for perhaps a week to 10 days. if fact, continuing to see a slight increase during this transition time could be one of the most discouraging phenomena, but it often happens. i know from experience that this is the roughest time, but hang in there. and do not give up.

Cheers Gary, appreciated. I’ve got a spin bike indoors so gonna give that whirl tonight, just gonna focus and go with the flow, do you think it’s worth taking it slow when it comes to exercise, or just full steam ahead?
It’s not the first time I’ve attempted to get healthy, but first time I’ve been as focused, not even mentioning it to anyone, and am initially gonna avoid stepping on scales, as like u said the lack of loss early on is really discouraging, trying to see it as a lifestyle choice, and see food as just fuel instead of a source of pleasure.

Haha already sound like a right tool on day 2, hopefully I stick to it and sound like a right plonker in a few months with my silly phrases.
Wow....done 20 minutes on a bike and I was fucked done 3 reps on a bench press and that’s me done for today, Rome weren’t built in a day I guess. Feel free to give any tips to help me along my way
i have arthritis in a lot of my joints, so my only exercise at the moment is walking. if you read my other posts, you will catch on to the fact that i am on an intermittent fasting schedule currently only eating in a 4-6 hour window each day. when i do walk, it is before my daily breakfast which is usually around 10-11am. i just had some oatmeal. i have daily meds i need to take with food, so this has become a convenient time to get all those things done.

it makes a lot more sense to me to exercise on an empty stomach. at that point of the day i know i am mostlly burning fat.

i have a bit of a different theory about weighing myself, but i am also months into this routine, so i blow off very high or low anomalies and look for the overall trend.

onward and downward!
Hi L4C & welcome to the forum. Don't put yourself down. I think we all need the phrases to help get us motivated. Do this for yourself & don't worry about anyone else. Taking things slowly is a good idea. Making healthy changes & doing more exercise will make a big difference. A lot of us stay mostly over in the diary section of the forum so if you feel like starting your own diary or just fancy a visit you'll find us at https://weight-loss.fitness.com/forums/weight-loss-diary.9/
Cheers, Cate.