This method can be powerful---in many different applications in ones fitness plans, if they just "think out of the box" (thanks Mreik..
...I stole your sentence,
from the COL), within your Personal fitness plans, and "complications with food"--as an example.
IMO, one "type of" application could be:
"Joe-blow", with a the problem weekend "binge eating problem".
"Joe-blow" fitness "wanna-be" is dieting to lose "quality tissue", is weight training during the week, but has trouble with eating problems on the weekends--that "seemingly" sabotage his quality tissue loss plans.
On Sunday through Friday, this "hypothetical-joe-blow", starts an appropriate low carb diet (6 days), and is of course weight training during this period. We assume his glucose storage places are depleted or extremely low.
Well, Joe-blow fitness "wanna-be" just set himself up during the week, about 5 to 6 days "in advance" to the potential problem weekend.
Keeping things equal, "joe-blow---will be allowed to eat more (with reason, within a small window of about 24/48 hours--->"dependent"), and will hardly receive a blow to his fitness plans (assuming a biological healthy joe-blow).
If the food consumed is largely carbohydrates (which is likely, keeping things equal), a large majority is going to spent refilling his glucose storage places.
Some water returns (not to be misinterpreted as fat gain--again keep things equal in this hypothetical). Joe-blow gets past the weekend, and again restarts a low-carb period (coming fresh off a high carb period), and starts the process again, and (hypothetically) stays on track with fat loss plans.
Thus displaying the ultimate power of the diet, and knowing ones body.
Carb Cycling is a rather powerful approach, IMO.
Best wishes