What are your views on this diet? Which is 5 days of protien and fat (no carbs) and then 2 days of all carbs with very little protein and fat.
perhaps because carbs are very hydrated, and considering you could store up to 1kg of it plus the water, of course you will lose some weight fast.
I think this is what a lot of programes take advantage on, get the client to see the results and hence beleive it is working when its not really valid at all.
I did get bad breath (just like they said is a side effect, and slept alone on the couch a few days )
There's a LOT of research on the advantages of low carb diets. This is a ketogenic diet with built-in refeeds. As long as you are able to get in proper amounts of nutrients and fiber, I don't see a problem with it (of course, I'm not clinically trained in nutrition either, so take that for what it's worth).
Any idea what the research says about the efficacy of ' low carb diets ' with respect to gym rats who train and typically use glycogen as a primary source of energy to fuel their exercise - i.e a moderate amount of exercise of weight train, cardio on a regular basis ..... such as 5 days a week ?
I don't *think* that there's been that kind of study performed (there usually isn't, really, because when you deal with experienced lifters it gets difficult to have a "baseline" effect: this is one of the major potential flaws in applying most of the studies performed as an experienced lifter...they're all done on previously sedentary populations, which will respond differently to a treatment than an experienced athlete). However, the idea here would be that if you're interested in performance in the gym or as an athlete in competitive sport, then you're not going to be sacrificing performance with a diet. Anecdotally, many of my clients have seen significant improvements to their strength even while dieting with low carb diets, but again it's likely that these improvements would come faster with greater muscle gain had they been eating more "normally." However, since this was not their focus (just a happy bonus), it isn't an issue.
Okay, what many of you are missing here - you never go into ketosis on the anabolic diet, or it isn't the anabolic diet. You carb up on the weekends to replenish your glycogen stores. You are using dietary fat for energy, not ketones