An Introduction


I've gone from 44% to 22% body fat in the past 9 months on a medically-assisted weight loss program. Now I'm addicted to my healthier lifestyle and am constantly looking for new ways to spice-up and improve my fitness regimen, and thought this would be a great place to start.
My biggest problem is keeping myself from becoming bored with a routine, so hopefully there are a wide variety of experiences/opinions on this board that I can tap into for new ideas.

I look forward to meeting everyone! :D
great to have you aboard :-D

hope the forum brings you lots and lots of new knowledge

ps- its good to switch up routines, hell who needs a routine anyways? ^_^
Thanks for the warm welcome, guys!

I just did an hour of pilates with an exercise ball and some bellydancing... there's an eclectic mix! :D
sorry to hijack the thread but...

DOUG! an avatar? oh no!!!

I change mine after over a year, you get one, is the world coming to an end?

haha. i can do one now. after the upgrade last year i was never able to put one for some reason. ;)