An Important Anniversary

This is the 1 year anniversary of me joining this site.

Since that year, I've accomplished so much in terms of basic knowledge of the human body, calories, weight training, and a whole lot more. More importantly, I learned how to work hard to lose weight and it damn sure felt good. I had already lost about 25 lbs by the time i joined this forum, but during the course of being a member on this forum, I've lost another 30 lbs. Even more importantly, I've (against my expectations) become good friends with some people with whom I've never spoken to or met in real life.

It's my hope also that by being an active member of this forum I've helped somebody, anybody, in their own goals.

Anyway, hope you guys all had a good weekend. Lookin forward to another year on this forum.
You're also now very dangerous compared to last year.
If I had to go into a bag and find your wallet I would know it was yours because it would be the one that says Bad Mother****er.
It's good to hear you've made so much progress. I know I made a ridiculous amount in my first year as well. I didn't know a deadlift from a doorknob at first...
This is the 1 year anniversary of me joining this site.

Since that year, I've accomplished so much in terms of basic knowledge of the human body, calories, weight training, and a whole lot more. More importantly, I learned how to work hard to lose weight and it damn sure felt good. I had already lost about 25 lbs by the time i joined this forum, but during the course of being a member on this forum, I've lost another 30 lbs. Even more importantly, I've (against my expectations) become good friends with some people with whom I've never spoken to or met in real life.

It's my hope also that by being an active member of this forum I've helped somebody, anybody, in their own goals.

Anyway, hope you guys all had a good weekend. Lookin forward to another year on this forum.

Congrats on all of your success.

I wish you well on your anniversary:

The body is without a doubt, an accumulation of its past history. The body you have at this very moment is part of this accumulative result:

Be proud of what you accomplished this past year! :)


Dave is the Master of his own Reality:


True creativity simply starts with balancing your emotions and activating the power of the heart. Through practicing emotional management from the heart, you tap into the highest form of creativity possible--recreating your perceptions of reality.



Dave has all these built in qualities:

1. Takes care of himself

He is proactive about his physical health-and knows-it is a precious gift.

(And when ALL THE SMOKE CLEARS and lets say you have all the money in the world, you would give it ALL UP to be healthy and alive) Dave knows life is priceless.

2. Sees life as a continuous learning experience

Dave lives within the school of life (and knows there are lessons to be learned). Dave learns from his mistakes and treats them as lessons and moves on to the next thing.

Success is a process not event.........ROCK ON!

3. Understands work is involved in earning anything

Dave knows he needs to put time and effort into something, and knows it means that there is an investment requirement in the goal he seeks; something for nothing DOES NOT WORK HERE and doesnt exist. Dave is SMART! :)

4. Uses "Mistakes" as Stepping Stones for future success

There are no failures only lessons; there is DIGNITY in failing when TRYING, if something doesnt work, try something else.

Dave ROCKS this right out!

5. Keeps the drive Alive

Just BELIEVE AND SUCCEED. This indeed is Dave.

6. Knows he can be his own worst Enemy or BEST FRIEND

Competing with himself raising his personal standards.

Doesn't compare himself with others.

Dave knows success comes from doing your best with what you have, and many frustrations will disappear.

Dave is his most serious competitor. And, wins the fight knowing he will lose some "rounds" in the process.

7. Dave chooses to be a champion

You will make the necessary investment and adjustments to succeed and achieve, BABY!

Dave knows that what's on the inside will transform his goal on the outside!


A couple of stupid rhymes for ya! ;) :) ha, ha, ha, he, he

I reintroduce Dr. Seuss as there is no reason to be obtuse with Dr. Suess as Chillen will Produce:

Dr. Seuss enjoys sipping pineapple juice while sitting under a Douglass spruce.

Dr. Seuss explains he is against substance abuse to the Canadian goose.

Dr. Seuss explains to the brown recluse that the value of context use within the flag of truce.

Dr. Seuss explains that since he drank the pineapple juice, is digestive juice is on the loose and he must now get on the caboose, and let his hose loose. <-----------That's pathetic.............LOL...........

Like an auction block, you have unlocked your mental block, and this prevented any cognitive vapor lock, and now you will never become a cookoo-clock.


Dave be proud in all that you have accomplished this passed year.

My warmest wishes to you.

You WILL have even more personal success, my brotha! :)

Best wishes to you, young man

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thanks for the lengthy and thought out post chillen, I appreciate it!

and thanks everyone else as well, it wouldn't be the same forum without ya.
Congrats on all your progress man!!!!!