An Athlete's Reward- the run

you're an athlete! you can play hard, you have some endurance, you can out do most that you encounter, you can rule the gym, outlast in the field, and what's it all worth--- SO WHAT! At some point it is just "who you are"-- then what??

a tough day at work, training consistently, and feeling a bit overwhelmed, i left the office. Drove out to San Antonio- Hill City!! tranging plan calls for 90 minutes of running- long day...for most.

off i go, found a spot where I will either be going up hill or down hill the entire way......nice- some real training. dang office work is killin me, everybody is all stressed out, and now I'm out here in the heat running. and without an mp3 player- crap, ironman rules suck!! what's wrong with my foot- that feels funny, not really,,, oh forget it... think of this, look at that, yada yada,,, here comes a dog!! run,,, settle in man,, long time to go, glance at watch,,, 35 min into it,, sip of drink, put it away, pull visor down and let's just breathe... dang my feet hurt today, what socks, foot favors,,, left foot count, rolling heel to toe, and on an on it goes,,, THESE HILLS ARE KILLING ME,, I can't breathm it's too hot, i wanna walk, jus to the top of tis one then I;ll sprnt dow- LIAR!!! you will not,,, sink into your hips,,, relax, in thru thenose out thru the mouth, blow slow,, catch yourself..... boom, boom, boom, heart pounding in my ears, I'm goin to fast, control your downhill speed, but take advantage of gravity.,,,, oh my thighs....... and then it happens-- the reward!!!

nose begins to run, skin gets goose bumps, eyes pop wide open, and ziiiiiinnnnnggggg in the ears--- deep inhale, blow hard, and stretch it out,,, the wall, and now we are RUNNING BABY!!! light,, starting to notice the environment-- trees, oaks over the road,,, grass is green lots of rain lately.,,,,this is nice road,, worth the drive out here, glance at watch,,, oh my we are 70 min in,,, drink, and a gu, hope it settles nice.... in thru the nose out thru themouth,,, nice night,,, cool wind,,, the birds,, look at the clouds,,, bump bump bump my heart is smooth, bump bmp bump, my lungs are clear,,, i love being in shape!! yes, this i snice,,, hey we are rollin with these hills prety good,,, a ring in my ears,,,, breath baby breath,, bump bump bump... glad i have gels bottoms on tonight,,,, let's stretch it out some,,, triple digits,,, we are over 100 minutes now,,, this is a great run!!!

look at that dog now, he's just standing there! hahaha Victorian houses, cows, horses, bugs all around, the earth is living, and I am running with it...
honk honk honk,,, geese over head,, no way!!! they are in formation,,, wow,,, watch th road,,, control your breath,,, you are bouncing some,,,, easy..... rounding hips,,, arms dangle, jingle a bit, and roll your feet..... hmmmm look there goes the sun,,,, oh my I want a pic,,, last turn,,, we are near the end of a fantastic workout..... sprint it out... to the truck pull the phone take a pic.

drink, drink, drink,,, man I feel great,, get in the truck pull away,,, what was bothering me again???

138 min, and 14 miles later, who cares!! I am an athlete! I'm healthy and I'm free!!

that's what it is all about.

Thats EXACTLY how it better way to put it. Awesome post.
When it hit that crescendo right before the pic, I was actually on the edge of my seat. Made my day. Thanks, FF.
Best post I've read in a long time :)

+rep for reminding me why I love pushing myself, I think I've been too caught up in the results to appreciate the journey recently

One thing though; make sure you put that damn mp3 player away for good, you need all your senses focused on the messages your body's giving you. Music is an aural distraction loved by the weekend warriors, you're a proper athlete now so you need the extra 0.1% you'll get from eliminating that sensory distraction.
I'll be honest and say I didn't read the whole thing. You must feel proud though to be an athlete. I know how you feel.
Awesome post FF! Many times when my brain is saying "it'd be pretty easy to just quit right here, start walking, your feet are hurting anyways, yada yada", like you, I finally shift into automatic where you feel like you can run for miles effortlessly!

Nice job!! 138 minutes of running is a heck of an accomplishment!