Amusing misconceptions about weight loss


New member
I've only got one, but it was too funny not to share (hence this thread).

Back story- I was chopping up apple, the knife slipped (it's a crap knife and/ or I'm clumsy), I cut myself (very minor cut), and I was bitching on Facebook about how much I hated cutting myself (as I'm allergic to just about every type of bandaid/ plaster and it makes things hard). A friend of mine asked me why I was chopping apple, and I said I needed to get my calories up for the day as I was under.

She said "Surely there's only about 3 calories in an apple"


I think she's actually trying to learn (from other contexts, not this one), but... hehe.
:rotflmao: Thats funny. Everybody knows that apples are a negitive calorie food
about how much I hated cutting myself (as I'm allergic to just about every type of bandaid/ plaster and it makes things hard). AQUOTE]
off topic..... Are you allergic to tape? Why not just keep medical (or athletic tape) and gauze around. I do that because it's a lot cheaper than band aids and stays on better too!
Since this is a misconceptions thread.. I'll throw one in...
Atkins diet allows you to eat as much meat as you want.
Really, really, really, not true.
There was an article in my newspaper about a couple of people that got thrown out of a buffet for eating too much roast beef. :D
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I'm allergic to adhesive, including hypoallergenic ones. It sucks big time. I'm going to look into gauze, I keep meaning to but I don't cut myself often (it's just a pain in the arse when I do). I think I scared my boyfriend by talking about it on Facebook last night, he thought it was serious. (It's a tiny cut, but in an annoying place and was bleeding quite a lot when I cut myself)

I was sucking my cut thumb last night in a desperate attempt to get the bleeding to subside (pressure and all of that) and my boyfriend wanted to know how many calories are in my thumb. It's not a misconception, but it's hilarious.