Amino Acids???

Hey, my brother was wondering when is the best time to take Amino Acids before, during, or after a work out? He's currently taking 2. 1700 mg. amino acids after each work out, he works out 2 times a day (am and pm). He wants to know if 2. 1700 mg. pills is enough b/c he heard he should take 5. gm's before each work out. Please respond so I can let him know.
There are really way too many variables here, but as a basis I would say to follow the directions on the package. If that doesn't get him what he wants, then have him come out himself and give us a much more detailed description of everything that he is doing and we will be happy to help.
:D I know this post been out for awhile but I have a question:confused:

I am a female starting weight training and the whey pro. that I supplement with has the branched chain amino acid: isoleucine, leucine, and valine.
What other amino acid should I take? Should I take one or two others
or should I take the ones that has many different kind of amino?
I would appreciate any advise or suggestions
Your protein should be enough, you shouldn't need to supplement individual aminos. Just to make sure, what brand/type of protein are you using?
I do eat food protein just supplement protein mainly in the morning and sometimes 1 more time in the late evening time.
Body Fortress Premium Whey Protein
1 scoop has 20 gr of protein.
this is my first time I bought whey protein so when its almost gone I will try a different brand , definitly different flavor(vanilla-not that great of a vanilla taste)
Lol, most don't taste that good. ON 100% ANY WHEY is the only one I've ever tasted that I wouldn't mind eatin/using/whatever, and that's because it has no taste(kinda expensive though).. That powder isn't bad, it should have all the needed amino's and your diet will make up for the rest, so again don't worry about supplementing individual aminos.
I dont know why you would need to take indicidual amino acids. Protein is made when two amino acids link to form a peptide bond (dipeptide). If you take more you form polypeptide which is ok cos they still make protein but it can only go up to 300 but i guess no one in their right mind would take 300 amino acids.
Well some people take individual aminos because they think they do different things (arginine, glutamine, etc), but I think it's just a buncha bo-long-a.
Well they do do stuff but amino acids we get form food is sufficient. There are 9 amino acids that we must get from out diet and there are 11 that the human body can produce itself. Fortunatly arginine can be produced by the body other wise our stratified cardiac epithelial would push blood backwards man we would be screwed haha.
I only take extra amino acids if ive not had much meat that day.
The amino acids you get from the pills are the same as what you get in meats (most of them) so if that day you have been getting all your protien from beans, grains, oats, milk, etc... then pop a couple anytime.

The time of day or workout wont really effect the result. Just take the amount it tells you to, but dont worry about when you take them.
Thanks guys, useful info. something to ponder over