Sport amino acids

Sport Fitness
ok, i just bought some amino acid pils ( GNC Amino 1000 ). i dont know if im going to get another bottle after this one runs out, so. i just want to know, should i take my pills on resting days? or only on workout days. cause i dont want to take the pills on a day when they are less useful than another day. unless of course, it is better too.
I woud go ahead and take them everyday.
when is the best time to take them, it says to take them on an empty stomach....the only time i have an empty stomach is in the morning. does it matter?
yeah id it has arginine.. then when you take it on an empty stomach it helps release more natrual HGH, but i heard it's even better to take arginine before bed (just arginine, not nescesarily all aminos)

just a thought..
I wouldn't waste my time. if you're drinking a quality protein supplement, and eating a healthy, diverse diet with proteins and complex carbs, you're getting all the amino's you need.
Arginine is a big fad right now, which does NOTHING beneficial. L-glutamine apparently isn't all that helpful either unless you have gastro-intestinal problems. Creatine is still beneficial for those looking to add muscle volume, but you only need about 3g a day to load and stay loaded.
yeah i figured that, i dont take a supp, but i eat PLENTY of chicken and beef. when my mom offered to buy a bottle of amino acids for me, the GNC salesman didnt say a word about it, obviously knowing aminos arent worth much. but ill finish off my bottle anyway.
ok malkore let me get this straight... arginine is worthless but creatine is okay?? that's funny because arginine is in creatine.