American Idol!!


New member
So who watches American Idol around here? And if so, who do you want to win? i personally hope David Cook takes the title, he's been the most consistant and original throughout the entire season, but I also really like David Archuleta :)
i stopped watching when carly got kicked off :(
I also agree with you that David Cook totally deserves to win.David Cook always rocking the show.May be david archuleta wouldl win from popularity.I just pray that viewers remember that this is a singing competition and not a popularity contest.
David cook!

Most original, most talented, most daring, and the only contestant I would actually consider buying an album from.
Seems everyone I talk to really thinks David Cook should win. I've never seen everyone so unanimous; however, what concerns me is that Seacrest said the top 3 were all within a million votes of each other. I hope Cook wins, but here's what I think will happen...

David Archuletta in a shocker, gets eliminated this week. Syesha and David Cook go to the finals. In a disappointing twist, David Cook falls flat on performing the pre-picked pop song (just like Blake Lewis last year) and Syesha becomes the next American Idol. David Cook goes on to be the next Daughtry... the guy that doesn't win but blows the winner's record sales out of the water.

At this point I don't know which David will win. I don't really care, my fav was voted off long ago. But good luck to the both of them, they'll both be fine.
As you can see we all know that Syesha will be leaving this week.
If David Cook doesn't win, I just might cry a little. I'm not an Archuleta fan. It just seems to me that he was way too groomed to do this from a young age and I just don't think he's ready. I really can't see myself buying his music.
I think the judges were really trying to put over Archuletta last night. In all honesty, it's probably better if David Cook loses, then he's not pigeon holed into making the pop crap album they're going to force him to make. Look at Taylor Hicks as a prime example. His album has only a couple half-decent songs and they were the ones he wrote, all the rest of it.... a little sketchy at best. I think David Cook would be better off ranking in #2.
True.. at this point it definitely wouldn't hurt him to come second. It is true that most of the contestants, male at least, who don't win, generally do better than the winners. So he really can't lose at this point.
Well, back in the "old days" whoever won AI was the King/Queen...latley it doesn't matter, it seems like if you make it to the top 5, you'll get some kind of record deal.
I've thought all along that David A would win. The kid has a great voice, but if you think about it, the rock genre has a much bigger following than pop now a days. I pick David A to win, but David C to have the better career. I also agree with an earlier post that maybe a second place finish for David C would be better because of the obligations he would have to Idol