Am I the only one???

Is it just me or does anyone else feel subconsious about touching exercise equipment after some other sweaty user?

Bad enough when I use equipment like the eliptical, my hands start to get really sweaty and I'm constantly drying my hands off with the same towel I use to clean the sweat off my face.

Am I the only one who feels weirded out by it? :confused:
most gyms around here, they have disinfectant bottles near most of the equipment.
I usually lick the equiptment clean before i use it.

Hey they say a dogs mouth is clean so .....why not?
I have huge germ phobia! I didnt even join a gym for years, because of that reason. Im glad I got over it, but, I do alot of disinfecting and hand washing when I am there and even have antibacterial wipes in my car that I use when I get into my car. I do that because I KNOW not everyone washes their hands and then they touch the doors on the way out!!!!!GROSSSS!!!!!!!
Working in the healthcare field I'm probably more obsessed with hand washing and germs than most! In the gym I used to go to, they had bottles of disinfectant spray strategically placed and had signs encouraging everyone to clean the equipment after use, but most people didn't use it unfortunately.

My gym also has the disinfectant bottles as well as dispensers of disinfectant "gel" you can rub on your hands. Unfortunately as Heide stated, not everyone uses these things. It is pretty disgusting to walk up to a bench that someone has just used and see a puddle of sweat on it, that they had left there. Makes me scratch my head. how people can do that. If you are a gym member, you have to have a least some sanitary habits, like wiping down your equipment when you are finished with it or at the least have a towel under you , no friggin excuses, Of course that is JMO. :cool:
oh yes, we have the stacks of towels and the bottles of disinfectant. People are generally pretty good about it, too. But there will always be those that count us lucky to encounter their sweat.