Am I taking the correct amount of whey?

I am 16, 5'7" and weigh 120 pounds. and i've been taking gold standard 100% whey after my workout for about a month now and i just want to know if i have been taking it correctly. i add one scoop to about 7 ounces of milk and drink that after workout. I'm a pretty skinny and am wanting to gain weight/muscle so should i be taking 2 scoops into say 14 ounces of milk? for the record, each scoop is 24g of protein. i have heard something like it should be 1g of protein for every pound you weigh or something but that would mean i would need about 5 scoops of whey a day and that just seems ... unhealthy? aha can some one clear this up for me and tell me what they recommend i should do? thanks :) :eating:
Don't take more than one scoop. The body can't absorb more than about 30g of protein at once, so all you're doing is hurting your kidneys when they have to process all that excess. Protein isn't magical muscle powder and taking more doesn't automatically mean better.

If you're on a moderate to moderate-vigorous training program right now, one scoop post-workout should be sufficient. Athletes on high-intensity training programs or who train more than once a day certainly take a protein supplements multiple times per day, but for someone your age, that shouldn't be necessary.
a more accurate recommendation for protein is 1.2-1.6 grams per kilogram or .5 -.8 grams per pound of body weight depending on training. Also, above mentioned is correct, more protein doesn't mean more muscle, muscle takes time to build and needs time and also overload to force the adaptation. I recommend getting on a good strength training plan with a trainer who can show you how and what to do. good luck