Weight-Loss Am I losing weight too fast?



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I started my weight loss program on 7/23/2006. I have lost 5 pounds since then..its only been 8 days. I read that 1-2 pounds per week was healthy. I have only exercised once since I started, and that was a 2 mile walk. I have just been eating less, and not that much less either. I even splurged, and ate some cake with sugarful frosting..
the more you are starting out with, the quicker it comes off int he beginning.. I'm averaging about 4 lbs a week.. I don't expect it will stay like that - but as long as you are getting an adequate number of calories (more than 1200 I hope) then you should be fine..
Most people see an initial drop and then, after a couple of weeks, it will even off as your body gets used to the new regimen. That's when you have to change things up to get your body losing again.

Some folks are content to let it happen at 1 or 2 pounds a week, and if you are good on your diet, it will happen.

But others, like me, insist on more... (I am so impatient) so I am switching things up often, to keep my body from settling into a routine.

The two constants I don't mess with are a low calorie diet and exercise, but the frequency of exercise, the duration and the type of exercise, the meal schedules... these are all things you can experiment with to see where you lose the best.

Remember also, that weight loss is just a small part of the battle. The real test of your commitment comes when it is time to KEEP the weight off. The only way to really lose weight for good is to commit yourself to a change in lifestyle.
Also remember too that some people loose water in their first few weeks of exercise. The first time I every worked out, I lost 10 lbs in the first 2 weeks. I had to weigh in every week for the the first 6 months then after that every month. It did taper off after that. But I just chalked it up to water loss. Make sure that you drink plenty of water to wash out the toxins in your body. You are doing great. :D
It is normal to loose alot of weight at first. Usually the first few pounds are water weight. It also depends on how much you weight. A person that weghts lets say 200 lbs will burn more calories than someone who weights 150.

How much exercising are you doing?
Barely any I would say. I did do a 2 mile walk, but that was a few days ago. I do clean my house daily, and I sweat while doing it!!
Believe it or not everything we do helps burn calories, including house work. We even loose calories while sleeping, but not as much.
I burned almost 200 calories today by practicing my violin! :) Anything to keep those calories burnin!
Kaitie I didn't know you played the fiddle. Thats just too cool. I have heard they keep burning for a bit after we stop so no worries.
Yeah you guys are all right, I lost about 15kg (30lb?)in the first four or five weeks, now its starting to slow down to about 1kg a week (2lb). Ive just changed my gym routine so hopefully it should speed it up some :)
Lol, I've been on my diet for like almost 2 weeks and I think nothing has changed yet xD maybe I'm just too impatient =P
I know for a fact that i was carrying tons of water and fluids. i think i was 320lb or so (145kg) when i started.