Sport Am I eating too late?

Sport Fitness
I've recently decided that I might be eating dinner too late as compared to when I go to bed. Are there any guidelines in regard to when I should be eating?
I know I should be eating 5-6 times a day, but it is pretty hard to do with my schedule. Here is when I generally eat.

Breakfast - 8am

Snack - sometime between 12pm - 2pm

Snack - around 5pm

Dinner - usually between 8-9pm

Bed - around 11pm

Any feedback is appreciated.
Heh you need to get a lunch in there somewhere or try to a sneak a snack in earlier if you can. Eating before you go to bed can be good but its all about what you eat. Your usually supposed to eat a smaller dinner though because you dont do much after that.
Dinner by 9pm sounds ok to me. I dont think there are hard and fast rules about this.

It is overeating at any time - not simply at night - that will cause someone to gain weight. This is especially so if you do not exercise & expend enough energy during the day.
only real guidelines are to eat as soon as you can after waking up in the morning, then to follow with meals roughly every 3 hours. 4 hours is fine, i remember reading somewhere where it was said "four hours max b/w meals and snacks"

each meal does not have to be a full blown gourmet occassion. something quick and simple will do when pressed for time like a shake.
I also eat dinner anywhere between 7:30pm and 9pm because that is when I get back from the gym. I've not found it to be a problem at all. I also have a snack about 11pm before bed.
Yeah, no hard and fast rules..At least I prefer to think so because my dinners are normally between 11p.m-12. :D Breakfast is around 11a.m. Too bad but I have been doing this for a couple of years now. Whateva works! :rolleyes:
I think it does matter what you eat right before bed. I would make my last meal with the least amount of carbs as possible. I would try to make it protein based or a mix of protein and good carbs.

Also, I would eat something between 8am and noon-2pm. If you eat at 8am, then noon should be the latest you eat again. I'd rather see something like this:

Breakfast - 8am

Snack - 11am

Lunch - 2pm

Snack - 5pm

Dinner - usually between 8-9pm

Bed - around 11pm
Just speaking personally, when I eat after 7, if I were going to bed at 11, I need a good two extra hours sleep to feel refreshed. It's quite noticable, I just don't sleep as well if I eat late-ish.