Weight-Loss Am I eating excessively?



New member
I have been eating relatively healthy (with the exception of my dinners, as I live at home I have little influence over my dinners)

I cut out the most obvious unhealthy snacks I use to eat and replaced them with something healthy, but it seems my amount of eating has increased.

at the moment Im eating

for breakfast
1 cup of yoghurt (lite)

Morning tea
Rice crackers (98% fat free)
Tuna - in spring water, not oil

1 x club sandwich
cucumber slices

afternoon tea
1/2 sliced capsicum
1 manderin

6ish ill have a protein shake

Dinner (about 8)
Whatever is cooked which is usually unhealthy.

I weight around 73kg-75kg, with a fair bit of muscle on me.
Does this seem excessive for someone of my weight?
Should I try cutting it back a bit?

I found when I first started this I started getting dizzy (im guessing lack of iron in my diet?) this seemed to have stopped after I started eating tuna and taking fish oil supplements

I weight train 3-5 times a week and I do HIIT 3-4 times a week.
1. Keep track of your calories in a program like

2. What are you doing iwth regards to weight training

3. How are you defining HIIT -and what are you doing with it

4. With regards to quest9ions 2 and 3 - have you read the stickied threads in the exercise forum - Do so if you ahven't - read them again if you have.

5. What does dinner consist of?

6. what is your height and age?
1. Keep track of your calories in a program like
Its not so much weight loss as it is healthy eating for me.
I havent used a program before but ill look into it

2. What are you doing iwth regards to weight training
mostly compound exercises, mostly to bulk up

3. How are you defining HIIT -and what are you doing with it
I have been using the tabata method (20 secs of exercise, 10 secs rest, repeat for 4mins, I have been using front squats)

4. With regards to quest9ions 2 and 3 - have you read the stickied threads in the exercise forum - Do so if you ahven't - read them again if you have.
Wicked, ill get onto it.

5. What does dinner consist of?
It varies, usually potatoes and mixed veges, with something really unhealthy, like chicken schniztal, chips, pie, chicken nuggets.
Generally just unhealthy stuff, cooked in unhealthy ways.
Im looking into buying my own food but preparing it while someone else is in the kitchen is a bit of a hassle and also paying for my own food outside the rent I pay (which includes food) is pretty expensive.

6. what is your height and age?
I am about 170cm, and im 21

Its not so much about the weight loss, as I dont feel I have much on me (I have a 4 pack if that gives any idea)
It is mostly for healthy eating.
I have been told on another forum what I am eating lacks vitimins and minerals.
Do you have any recommendations to some in?
Would multi vits fix this or is it best to get these naturally?
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using a program like fitday or any of the online food diaries, whether you're trying to lose weight or not will keep track of not only your calories but your nutrients as well.. .

If money is tight for you, you're better off getting your nutrients thru food sources and not thru vitamin pills... Keep track of your food for a week or so and you'll see where you're deficient -then check out a site like The World's Healthiest Foods and you'll see hwehre you can perk up your diet..