For the past while I have, not been eating healthy - at all. A couple peices of fruit, maybe a salad, a cut out bread, meat, anything high calorie, in a desperate attempt to lose weight, I lost 26lbs and was/am really miserable. I got down 109lbs at 5'4, no too thin, but i was 135 just a few months before that. I have gained 4lbs since. I really want to try to be healthy, but NOT gain weight any more weight. I have started eating more, 1200 calories a day, and exercising. 25-30 min cardio on my elliptical in the morning and the evening. everyday. I also do *girl* pushups, I have some weights, crunches, basic pilates etc etc. I do that every other night because im too sore to do it everyday. I want to get into shape. Lean and fit. Not bones, or at least that is what i tell myself everytime I force myself to eat. I could really use some help.
Thanks for reading
Thanks for reading