Am I doing this right?

For the past while I have, not been eating healthy - at all. A couple peices of fruit, maybe a salad, a cut out bread, meat, anything high calorie, in a desperate attempt to lose weight, I lost 26lbs and was/am really miserable. I got down 109lbs at 5'4, no too thin, but i was 135 just a few months before that. I have gained 4lbs since. I really want to try to be healthy, but NOT gain weight any more weight. I have started eating more, 1200 calories a day, and exercising. 25-30 min cardio on my elliptical in the morning and the evening. everyday. I also do *girl* pushups, I have some weights, crunches, basic pilates etc etc. I do that every other night because im too sore to do it everyday. I want to get into shape. Lean and fit. Not bones, or at least that is what i tell myself everytime I force myself to eat. I could really use some help.
Thanks for reading
Why aren't you eating? Its fine to workout every second day but a light walk everyday doesn't hurt.

You pretty well answered you own question, its mostly your diet but you came to a good place if you want to learn how to eat properly.

Good Luck :)
NBS 4life said:
Yea i agree with newf. There is tonnes of stuff on here to learn and be healthier.

Its hard to say without knowing your whole story. But, it seems like your nutrition is a mess. I was exercising regularly and I was getting nowhere. When I got my nutrition figured out and on track, the weight came off, and I felt healthy...not just skinny.