Please take a look at my daily routine and see if it's ok.
M - 10 min cardio, stretching, chest workout, bicep workout stretch
T - Cardio (Basketball or 30mintreadmill+30minbike)
W - 10 min cardio, stretching, back workout, bicep workout, stretching
Th - Cardio (Basketball or 30mintreadmill+30minbike)
F - 10 min cardio, leg workout, shoulder workout, stretch
Sa - None (Seldom Physical Activity)
Sun - Basketball
Am i doing the right thing? plus... how and what should i eat? a detailed explanation would be much appreciated. im 5'11, 180lbs (at the moment) and 21 years old.
M - 10 min cardio, stretching, chest workout, bicep workout stretch
T - Cardio (Basketball or 30mintreadmill+30minbike)
W - 10 min cardio, stretching, back workout, bicep workout, stretching
Th - Cardio (Basketball or 30mintreadmill+30minbike)
F - 10 min cardio, leg workout, shoulder workout, stretch
Sa - None (Seldom Physical Activity)
Sun - Basketball
Am i doing the right thing? plus... how and what should i eat? a detailed explanation would be much appreciated. im 5'11, 180lbs (at the moment) and 21 years old.